The University of Tartu is hosting a series of events titled “A global and interdisciplinary perspective on using AI tools in university teaching and learning” from 15–18 October 2024.
Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students from the University of Tartu are invited to an international student conference ”Bridges in the Baltics“, held at Vilnius University in Lithuania from 4 to 5 October 2024.
Join us for a Virtual Open Day where we will cover the admission process, important deadlines, English requirements, student life and much more for 2024 applicants.
Startup Labi poolt äriideede arendusprogramm StarterTartu on suunatud üliõpilastele ja kõikidele õppuritele, kes soovivad õppida ideearendusprotsessi ning katsetada oma idee elujõudu praktikas.
PERHOUSE - Personal and household services in Central and Eastern European Countries: Improving working conditions and services through industrial relations