Andres Vaher

Discovering Tomorrow's Innovations: Tartu OI Academy Celebrates Successful Pilot Program with Closing Seminar

On December 14, 2023, the closing seminar of the Open Innovation Academy (oiAcademy) Tartu pilot program will take place at the University of Tartu's Delta Centre, coinciding with the "Delta X" competition. OiAcademy is an initiative designed to foster open innovation and entrepreneurial skills among participants, connecting entrepreneurs, investors, academic units, and students interested in solving challenges posed by companies.

The Tartu pilot programme , which began in October 2023, will culminate with the closing seminar on December 14. At the seminar, University of Tartu master's students and Tartu Vocational College VOCO students will present solutions and business models to challenges set by industrial companies. The seminar is open to all interested parties.

The presentation, evaluation, and feedback of solutions developed by participants at the closing seminar provide us with an invaluable overview of their learning and development journey through this pilot program. This event not only marks the successful conclusion of the program but is also a significant milestone for both the participants and all organizations involved in the program.

Aivar Pere, Open Innovation Academy Programme Director

Concurrently, oiAcademy pilot projects are also taking place in Germany and Spain. In 2024, the program will launch in full scale, inviting participants from across Europe. What makes the program special are the tailored learning snippets on the Skills.move e-learning platform, designed to support participants' development in technology entrepreneurship. These educational materials also offer significant value to companies and their employees, contributing to continuous professional development and lifelong learning.

The program includes innovative methods to tackle real-world challenges. It's more than just solving industrial companies' challenges - it's about learning key skills such as leadership, teamwork, entrepreneurial mindset, technology transfer, and innovation management. Companies participating in the Tartu pilot program include AS HANZA Mechanics Tartu, Leidi Consult OÜ, Steelmonitor OÜOÜ YANU and R-S OSA Service OÜ.


Schedule for the event on December 14:

  • 14.15 Open Innovation Academy Programme Director Aivar Pere - Welcome speech
  • 14.20 Deputy Mayor of Tartu Raimond Tamm - The role of the public sector in open innovation concept, Tartu's experience.
  • 14.35 HANZA Group, Cluster Baltic, Cluster President,  Liivar Kongi - Industries promoting innovation, global company perspective.
  • 14.50 University of Tartu PhD student Tairi Leis - Learning innovation, entrepreneurial student's view.
  • 15.00 Presentations by University of Tartu master's students and VOCO students on solutions and business models. 6-minute presentation + 6-minute public discussion with entrepreneurs and investors
  • 16.10 Conclusion

The seminar takes place in UT Delta Center, room 1018 and will also be broadcast live via ZOOM. ONLINE LINK TO EVENT  (Password: oiacademy)

Please register to participate using this link. Register 

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