Information session for PhD admissions in the Faculty of Social Sciences

Tartu Ülikool

On May 11 at 11:30 an information session will take place in Zoom to introduce the possibilities of doing a PhD in the Faculty of Social Sciences. We will take about what it means to do a PhD and why do it in the first place, which specialities are available in the Faculty of Social Sciences and which changes are taking place this year because of the ongoing PhD reform.

Eva Piirimäe, Vice Dean for Research and Development at the faculty and Tene Viiburg, Senior Specialist for Research and Development will provide information and answer questions.

If you want to get to know more about the PhD programmes in the faculty, the available specialities and their admissions conditions beforehand, you can do it here.

The Zoom link needed for participation will be sent via e-mail on May 10th.

Register here

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