The Launch Event for the OI Academy Tartu Program is Taking Place on 03.11.2023

In the heart of Estonia, the city of Tartu is buzzing with anticipation. Tomorrow marks the commencement of the oiAcademy's Tartu pilot program, a groundbreaking initiative designed to foster open innovation and entrepreneurial skills among its participants.

The program, hosted by the OpenInnovation Academy, is a testament to the power of collaboration and partnership. It's not just about solving the challenges of leading industrial companies; it's about equipping participants with vital skills such as leadership, team building, entrepreneurial mindset, technology transfer, and innovation management.

The launch event, titled the "Ignition Workshop," is scheduled for 03. November from 13.15 . It promises an introduction to the oiAcademy, insights into the EIT training platform skills.move, and a presentation of challenges by industrial companies. Moreover, participants will be assigned to teams, fostering a spirit of collaboration from the get-go.

Challenges is given by:

More info about the event and programme from the Eventorando page.

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