Authors: Jaan Masso, Jaanika Meriküll, Liis Roosaar, Kärt Rõigas, Tiiu Paas
Wednesday, 6th September 2023 at 14.00-15.00 Delta room 1017 and Zoom
We study the gender wage gap at the University of Tartu (UT) using the administrative data of all the academic employees from 2012-2021. We show general trends in the gap in UT, how it compares to the national average gender wage gap and what explains the gap in UT. Two special topics include the child penalty in academia and the role of outside options or reservation wages on the gap in UT. The results indicate that differences of mean wages between fields employing mostly women or mostly men are not behind the gap, but differences in occupations explain the majority of it. Education is also an important factor as the share of men in UT with a PhD degree is larger than that of women. Child penalty is likely one of the factors that hold women back from entering higher occupational ranks in UT. We also show that there are vivid differences between fields in the reservation wage outside academia.
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