University's equal treatment website now includes explanatory videos

Tartu Ülikooli personaliosakond on uuendanud võrdse kohtlemise temaatikat käsitlevat veebilehte.
Tartu Ülikool

The University of Tartu Human Resources Office has updated the equal treatment website, which aims to provide information on equal opportunities and diversity principles and to raise awareness about eliminating and preventing discrimination at the university.

The website explains the terms related to discrimination and provides references to the University of Tartu's guidelines for equal treatment and the gender equality plan. In addition, the website includes the contact details of equal treatment support persons. The support persons can explain the process of filing a complaint and help reach the person whose duty is to look into and resolve the case of a breach of equal treatment principles.

According to Kristi Kuningas, Head of the Human Resources Office, the website aims to promote a culture of equal treatment at the university. "The website is meant for students and staff who want to find out more about discrimination and its forms. If someone suspects that they or a colleague or fellow student has been treated unequally, they can find information on this page on how to act and whom to contact," explained Kuningas.

Three animations were produced this summer to help explain equal treatment topics in a better and more understandable way. In addition, a short video on equal treatment is being shown on information screens in the university buildings, inviting people to visit the website. "It is important for the university that our learning and working environment is safe, so I think our people need to be able to identify discordances, recognise discrimination and know how to reach solutions," added Kuningas.

See the equal treatment website and watch the videos.

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