Annual Conference of Estonian Economic Association (EMS) 2025


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You are invited to participate in the 20th annual conference of the Estonian Economic Association to be held on 23-24 January 2025 in Hestia Hotel Strand, Pärnu.

This year's conference is framed by topics related to organizational culture.

The conference begins with a keynote speech by Prof. Sonja Sackmann (Universität Bw München, University of Tartu) on multiple challenges that today´s organisations are faced with. What do they mean for organisations and how can they be tackled? This talk will outline some of these challenges such characteristics of generation Z and their expectations regarding work organizations and leadership including the desire to work from home. In addition, the workforce has become increasingly diverse which pose additional challenges for leaders. The speech will discuss the implications of the outlined challenges for leaders, organisations and their culture, and suggest ways to tackle with these challenges.

The conference ends with a panel discussion where practitioners discuss how leaders as a cultural influencer are coping with tensions between external and internal environment. Changes in the external environment require organisations to adapt quickly, but organizational culture, which is stable by its nature, can slow down or even hinder the adaptation process. The challenges and opportunities for managers in such a situation are discussed by the panellists: Tiina Käsi (Nordea Estonia), Anu Einberg (1oT), Sander Poks (Tartu University Hospital), and Külli Kurvits (Estonian Tax and Customs Board). Moderated by: Marko Rillo (EBS) and Krista Jaakson (University of Tartu)

Oral presentations from all subfields of economics and business management are invited to the parallel sessions. Doctoral students have also the opportunity to present their research in the form of an oral presentation and collect feedback from conference participants.

The working languages of the conference are Estonian and English.

The deadline for submitting a short summary (up to 2000 characters with spaces) of the proposed presentation is 11 November 2024.

The deadline for registration for the conference is 9 December 2024.

Please pay attention to the deadlines and cancellation terms!


Thursday, 23.01:

11.00-11.30 Arrival, coffee break

11.30-11.45 Opening words (Jurmala)

11.45-13.00 Keynote presentation (Jurmala): Some of today´s challenges and their implications for leaders, organisations and their culture (in English), Sonja Sackmann, Universität Bw München, University of Tartu

13.00-14.00 Lunch

14.00-15.30 Presentations in parallel sessions


Mari Kooskora: Empowering Women in Leadership: Exploring Gendered Traits and Adaptive Capacities for Inclusive Management

Kaire Valge, Liina Joller-Vahter, Maaja Vadi: Managerial Cognition and the Governance of Platforms for Manufacturing

Endel Hango: Collective (Emotional) Intelligence 4.0 – preliminary results

Krista Jaakson, Lars Johannsen, Piotr Sedlak: The Interplay of Power and Morality for Confidentiality Concerns in Employee Reporting – Examples of Estonia and Poland


Triin Bulõgina, Merike Kukk: The Use of Early Withdrawals from Mandatory Retirement Savings: Insights from Young Adults

Jaanika Meriküll: Impact of Second Pension Pillar Withdrawals on Household Finances

Andres Võrk: Unemployment Insurance and Duration: Insights from Kinks and Discontinuities in Estonia

Tairi Rõõm, Jaanika Meriküll: Unraveling the overlooked dimension: Wealth inequality at the household vs individual level


Simona Ferraro, Renee Pesor, Kaire Põder: Estimating Local Government Efficiency: Environmental Effects of Demographic Change

Riina Tomast, Arvi Kuura: The Power of Metaphors in Place Marketing

Raul Omel: Muutused Eesti, Läti ja Leedu piima väärtusahelas: rajasõltuvus ja ilmutatud suhteline eelis

Krista Nurk, Rando Värnik, Ants-Hannes Viira, Olha Aleksandrova: Risk factors for Estonian agricultural producers

15.30-16.00 Coffee break

16.00-16.45 Overview of the Estonian economy, Eesti Pank (in Estonian, Jurmala)

16.45-17.40 Overview of the activities of member organizations (in Estonian, Jurmala), Ülo Kaasik, Eesti Pank

17.40-18.00 General meeting of EMS (in Estonian, Jurmala)

18.00-20.00 Leisure time

20.00-22.00 Dinner

Friday, 24.01:

7.00-9.00 Breakfast, check-out

9.00-10.30 Presentations in parallel sessions


Gaygysyz Ashyrov: After the attack: gender norms and terrorism

Anneli Kaasa: What Is the Recipe for High or Low General Trust?

Elchin Aghazada, Gaygysyz Ashyrov: Unveiling the Role of Culture in Shaping Firm Innovation: Insights from a Multilevel Analysis

Tiit Elenurm: Opportunities and challenges for using custom GPT for pre-mentoring


Faisal Mohammed, Kaire Põder, Niveditha Prabakaran Pankova: Educational Governance, Corruption and Student Performance in Post-Communist Countries

Laivi Laidroo, Kätlin Vanari: Thesis finalisation self-efficacy – A useful concept for improving undergraduate thesis supervision

Anneli Lorenz, Helen Poltimäe, Eneli Kindsiko: The future skills debate: how students and employers rate key competencies


Natalia Levenko, Fabio Canova: Club convergence in the European housing markets

Nicolas Reigl: Determinants of Non-Performing Loans: An Empirical Analysis Across Major Industries in Estonia

Kadri Männasoo: Human capital accumulation and private-public investment into higher education

10.30-11.00 Coffee break

11.00-12.30 Presentations in parallel sessions


Kristo Tõnissoo, Arvi Kuura: Sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial behavior: planned or improvised, or both?

Laivi Laidroo: Simplified reporting for micro companies – A ‘game-changer’ for annual report submission practices?

Tairi Leis, Karl Erik Õim: Koostöövõrgustike mõju Eesti ettevõtete rahvusvahelistumise ebaõnnestumisel

Tõnis Mets, Piia Vettik-Leemet: Women in the sustainability new ventures in the digital era: Out from the shadow of the small country male-dominated startup ecosystem


Alice Mikk, Karsten Staehr: An Analysis of Labour Tax Evasion using Firm-Level Data from Estonia

Dmitry Kulikov: Production network, firm interlinkages and aggregate shocks

Jaan Masso, Amaresh Kumar Tiwari: Estimating Production Function and Productivity Impact of Export Persistence using Revenue Data

Andre Veski, Kaire Põder: Market or fixed pay: teacher wage elasticity within public sector


Grete Männikus, Margaret Varik: Juhi eeskuju roll töötajate kui brändisaadikute pühendumisel

Enn Listra: Strategic Statements in Strategy Textbooks: Conceptual Diversity and Contradictions

Anna Litvinenko: Artificial Intelligence in Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management

Tarmo Koppel: The EU AI act sets many new obligations to businesses

12.30-12.45 Coffee break

12.45-14.00 Panel discussion (Jurmala): Leader as a cultural influencer: coping with tensions between external and internal environment (in Estonian), panellists: Tiina Käsi (Nordea Estonia), Anu Einberg (1oT), Sander Poks (Tartu University Hospital), and Külli Kurvits (Estonian Tax and Customs Board), moderated by: Marko Rillo (EBS) and Krista Jaakson (University of Tartu)

14.00-15.00 Lunch

15.15 Buses back to Tallinn and Tartu

Each presenter in parallel sessions has maximum 15 minutes for presentation in order to enable discussion as well. The last presenter of each session is also the chair of the session, who controls the use of time.

NB! Since there is only presentation equipment on site, we kindly ask each session chair to take care of the presence of a laptop in the session.

The submission deadline has passed.

Participants have the opportunity to present the results of their recent research. Oral presentations from all subfields of economics and business management are invited to the parallel sessions. Doctoral students have also the opportunity to present their research in the form of an oral presentation and collect feedback from conference participants. The working languages of the conference are Estonian and English.

The deadline for submitting a short summary of the proposed presentation is 11 November 2024 (the abstract can be submitted here). In an abstract, please explain what problem will the presentation address, what data and methods will be used, and what the (preliminary) results are.

The maximum length of the abstract is 2000 characters (with spaces).

The registration deadline has passed.

The deadline for registration for the conference is 9 December 2024 (you can register here).

Please register by the deadline. It is not possible to register after the registration deadline.

Registration form and invoices

Registration is possible only through the registration form. Please fill in all fields of the form.

When registering for a twin room, the name of the roommate must be indicated. When registering for a twin room, the name of the roommate must be indicated. If the roommate is not indicated or the person marked as roommate does not register by the deadline or does not express the wish to stay with the registrar, the registration will be treated as registration for a single room.

Please pay attention to who you mark as the recipient of the invoice and therefore as the payer – the invoice will be issued according to the information specified in the form. The fee for alteration of the invoice is 50 euros.

Invoices for the payment of the participation fee will be submitted after the registration has ended. The invoice payment deadline is 13 January 2025.

Cancellation terms:

If the cancellation request is notified no later than 9 December 2024 (registration deadline) to, the cancellation is free of charge.

If the cancellation request is notified between 10 December 2024 and 6 January 2025 to the address, the cancellation fee is 50 euros.

If the cancellation request is notified between 7 and 13 January 2025 to, the cancellation fee is 50% of the participation fee.

If a cancellation request is notified from 14 January 2025, the participation fee is non-refundable.

Until 21 January 2025 , it is possible to change the participant's name for free by writing to (it is also necessary to add the new participant's date of birth and citizenship for the purpose of hotel registration, other choices made during registration remain the same, in the case of staying in a twin room, the consent of the roommate must be added).

Participation fees

Participation fee with accommodation in a single room - 260 euros

Participation fee with accommodation in a twin room - 225 euros

Participation fee without overnight stay - 190 euros

The participation fee includes coffee breaks, lunches and dinners according to the conference schedule, as well as transport from Tallinn or Tartu to Pärnu and back. The participation fee with accommodation also includes breakfast and unlimited use of the spa in the evening until 21 and in the morning from 7.

Buses are planned to depart on 23 January as follows:

EBS, Lauteri 3 at 8.30

TalTech, Ehitajate tee 5 at 8.45

Delta, Narva mnt 18 at 8.15

On 24 January the buses to Tartu and Tallinn are planned to depart at 15.15

Contact person for the conference
Anneli Kaasa
Professor of Social and Cultural Studies in Economics
Anneli Kaasa
Professor of Social and Cultural Studies in Economics
EMS 2023 logod
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