Doctoral defence: Iuliia Trabskaia "Idea and opportunity identification and implementation within the entrepreneurial process and journey"

Andres Vaher

On 27 November at 12:30 Iuliia Trabskaia will defend her doctoral thesis "Idea and opportunity identification and implementation within the entrepreneurial process and journey" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Economics).

Professor emeritus Tõnis Mets, University of Tartu

professor Markus Reihlen, Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany)

professor Tiit Elenurm, Estonian Business School (Estonia)

In recent decades, there has been an increasing interest in entrepreneurship, as the development of entrepreneurial activities supports innovation, promotes sustainability, and increases well-being. To build a support system for entrepreneurship, it is vital to understand its mechanisms.

Despite a growing body of literature on entrepreneurship, there are still gaps, including debate regarding basic constructs such as entrepreneurial opportunity, process, and journey. In this vein, the dissertation aims to give an insight into the dynamic nature of an entrepreneurial idea and opportunity within the entrepreneurial process and journey.

The dissertation delves into the formation of opportunities and their evolution over time. Understanding this dynamic view application becomes pertinent given the transformative shifts in entrepreneurship. So far, the entrepreneurial journey is core for the research as a temporal appearance of entrepreneurial activities. Furthermore, we apply the process view, which allows us to trace the events and activities of entrepreneurs from initiation to the application of ideas.

The dissertation introduces a model illuminating the dynamics of entrepreneurial opportunities, situating them within the framework of creating new ventures. The dissertation contributes to the literature by conceptualising the entrepreneurial opportunity in the context of the entrepreneurial process and journey over time. The entrepreneurial journey and opportunity trajectory are addressed within the so-called objective-subjective (space) corridor. The study examines factors influencing entrepreneurial opportunities, encompassing the entrepreneur's affective perception of situations and ecosystem-related elements and applying these concepts across diverse industries, including knowledge-based and cultural sectors.

The dissertation offers novel insights into the particularities of entrepreneurship's nature, shedding light on the mechanisms that underscore successful endeavours.

The defence will be held in Narva Rd 18–1005 and online.

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