Liisi Lembinen will defend her doctoral thesis „Comprehending Decision-Making in Academic Library Leadership: A Situational Analysis“

On 21 October at 10:00 Liisi Lembinen will defend her doctoral thesis „Comprehending Decision-Making in Academic Library Leadership: A Situational Analysis“ for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Economics)

Associate Professor Krista Jaakson (PhD), University of Tartu
Associate Professor Anne Reino (PhD), University of Tartu

Dr. Heli Kautonen (PhD), University of Turku, Finland
Distinguished Professor Sirje Virkus (PhD), Tallinn University, Estonia

The doctoral dissertation "Comprehending Decision-Making in Academic Library Leadership: A Situational Analysis" contributes to the fields of library science and management. This study adds a situational aspect to the academic library leaders’ decision-making research and offers a deeper understanding of how context influences leaders’ decisions. The research focuses on the decision-making of academic library leaders in three specific situations: strategic long-term decision-making, decision-making related to innovation, and decision-making during crises. By examining a previously unexplored sample of top leaders from European academic libraries, this study provides a comprehensive overview of their decision-making practices, filling a gap in the literature where the European context has been underrepresented. Previous studies have addressed specific aspects of decision-making in academic libraries but have not fully considered situational factors. This qualitative study fills that gap by analyzing how directors make decisions in different circumstances, identifying patterns and adaptation strategies.

The main findings of the study show that academic library directors adjust their decision-making based on the situation: they are consultative in strategic situations, collaborative during innovation, and tend toward authoritarianism in crisis situations. This research acknowledges the complex nature of academic libraries and the need for leadership styles tailored to specific situations. The results of this study challenge certain assumptions and highlight the flexibility of academic library directors in their decision-making. European academic library directors do not strictly follow one decision-making style but demonstrate adaptability, shifting their approach according to the situation.

The defence will be held in Narva Rd. 18–1018 and online


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