School of Economics and Business Administration @ sTARTUp Day

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Andres Vaher

The University of Tartu School of Economics and Business Administration is creating an exciting interactive program at the Startup Day demo area to showcase science-based entrepreneurship. Visitors will be able to try out the state-of-the-art eye-tracking technology of the Baltic region’s top-tier lab, guided by interns from the Laboratoty of Neuromarketing. Researchers can precisely track eye movements in virtual and physical environments using special glasses. Additionally, a fun emotion mimicry contest will challenge participants to test the accuracy of their facial expressions.

The Startup Day lightning pitch competition will also feature the best Delta X teams. On January 31, starting at 9:50 AM, the UniTartu Deep Tech Pitch Match will occur, where science-intensive companies from the University of Tartu will compete against the most successful Delta X teams.

Mark your calendars for January 29 from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM for "Research into Reality" at the Humal restaurant. During this event, students and experts will present their research and solutions to develop the digital state and solve practical challenges in collaboration with the public sector, private sector, and universities. The event is organized by the University of Tartu, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, and the Estonian Research Council.

Find out more about all University of Tartu activities at Startup Day. Read more.

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