The University of Tartu School of Economics and Business Administration Alumni Association Hermes invites you to participate in an economics essay competition – Is the Market Economy Dead?

Ragnar Vutt

The Alumni Association Hermes of the University of Tartu School of Economics and Business Administration invites all current students and alumni to take part in this year’s economics essay competition.

We are living in a time of social and economic unrest, with many pressing issues and unanswered questions. This year, we invite you to explore the thought-provoking theme: “Is the Market Economy Dead?”

Essays can be written individually or in pairs – two alumni, two students from the School of Economics and Business Administration, or a team consisting of one student and one alumnus. The recommended length is 3–5 pages (A4). Collaboration leads to greater insights – invite a friend to join you, because shared ideas and discussions can lead to even more exciting results!

The deadline for submitting your essay is May 25, 2025.
Please send your essay by email to by this date.

The prize fund is made up of donations from alumni. The evaluation committee will include members of the Hermes board and lecturers from the School of Economics and Business Administration.

The winners will be announced and prizes awarded at the School’s graduation ceremony in June 2025.

The Alumni Association Hermes wishes you active participation, bold thinking, and inspiring writing!

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