International conference „East Asia and Eastern Europe in globalized perspective: lessons learned from Korea and Estonia“ was held on 25.-26.April

The 5th international conference on social market economy „East Asia and Eastern Europe in globalized perspective: lessons learned from Korea and Estonia“ was held on 25.-26.April 2013 at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. The conference also opened the activities of Emerging Economies Research Centre.

During the two days 18 presentations were given. Broad range of topics covered theoretical aspects of various economic models and specifics of economic policy. For example Korea’s experience in external debt management and industrialization as well as economic reforms and issues of ecosystems and regional development were discussed. In addition to researchers from South Korea the conference had participants from USA, UK, Holland, Denmark, Finland, Germany and Estonia.

It appeared that economic development in South Korea and Estonia has many similarities in terms of speed however differences in the models followed. Authoritarian industrial phase based on family centered corporations (Korean Chaebol) strengthened links between government and private sector and ensured economic modernization defined by long-term objectives. Compared to Estonia it increased the concentration of conglomerates leading to bigger economic inequality. These issues have initiated political discussions on future developments in South Korea with major focus on economic democratization.


Ernits_Industrial development on regional level
Jung_Debates on Korean Chaebol (Conglomerates)
Karimov_Industrialization and industrial policy in South Korea
Mattsson&Kokko_Economic reform in North Korea
Kshetri_Development of a successful entrepreneurial ecosystem model
Reiljan_The implementation of research and development policy in European and Asian countries
Seliger_From crisis country to economic role model
Terk_Development models of top Central-European avountries and East-Asian countries
Wrobel_Economic models for new industrializing countries
Yoon_Korea's experience of financial crises and implications for East European countries
Park_Development state in Korea (60-70ties) revisited
Kroos_Development welfare capitalism in East Asia
Kokko_The Swedish welfare state
Karo&Kattel_Development policy management in East-Asia and Eastern-Europe
Hoen_Emerging market economies and the financial crisis
Ahrens_Institutions, the state and economic catching-up
Park_PAPER_Development State in Korea (60-70ties)

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