Methodological seminar of Baltic-German cooperation network „ International Finance”


Methodological seminar of Baltic-German cooperation network „ International Finance”

From 8 to 11 of April teaching staff from University of Latvia, Vytautas Magnus University and University of Tartu attended the  methodological seminar at the University of Siegen within “Baltic-German network „International Finance”:  development of  study process and research excellence”. During the seminar the lecturers presented curriculums of study courses “International Finance” and participated in the lecture “International Financial Markets” organised by Professor Jan Franke-Viebach. Future development of network within a purpose to expand joint research opportunities, promoting discussion of the most current topics in international finance, as well as importance of cooperation and unity between the Baltic States and Germany in the global world had been discussed.

This Baltic-German University Liaison Office project is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic Germany

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