Topic: research

Project "PERHOUSE - Personal and household services in Central and Eastern European Countries: Improving working conditions and services through industrial relations"
PERHOUSE - Personal and household services in Central and Eastern European Countries: Improving working conditions and services through industrial relations
Research Seminar "Human values and supervisory responsibilities: A comparative evidence from the Baltic Sea region" (Prof Mihails Hazans)
Research Seminar "Human values and supervisory responsibilities: A comparative evidence from the Baltic Sea region" (Prof Mihails Hazans)
23. August 2023 research
Research Seminar "Gender wage gap in the University of Tartu"
Research Seminar "Gender wage gap in the University of Tartu"
23. August 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Nino Kokashvili “Public sector evolution under conditions of political business cycle – theory and empirical evidence“
On 21 June at 11:00 Nino Kokashvili will defend her doctoral thesis “Public sector evolution under conditions of political business cycle – theory and empirical evidence” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Economics).
09. June 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Sigrid Rajalo “University-industry collaboration: interaction structure and preconditions”
15. mail kell 10.00 kaitseb Sigrid Rajalo majandusteaduste erialal doktoritööd „University-industry collaboration: interaction structure and preconditions“.
03. May 2023 researchfor society
17. April 2023 research
17. April 2023 research
BFFI - ECGI Conference: Resilience of family businesses during turbulent times
Baltic Family Firm Institute - ECGI Conference: Resilience of family businesses during turbulent times
Research seminar "Academics vs policy debate: the case of the shadow economy index" (Arnis Sauka)
Prof Arnis Sauka presents "Academics vs policy debate: the case of the shadow economy index"
25. November 2022 research