
Open Innovation Academy 2024

Open Innovation Academy is thrilled to announce a series of transformative events designed to ignite everybody's entrepreneurial spirit and foster innovation. Here’s a detailed timeline of our upcoming activities

🟨06.09 - Pre-Hackathon Event

Start with an engaging introductory session that sets the stage for our main hackathon. Meet fellow participants and get a preview of what’s in store.

🟨20.09 - Hackathon

Dive into the heart of innovation by forming teams and tackling exciting challenges. Focus on transforming business ideas into reality and developing creative problem-solving skills.

🟨04.10 - Initial Idea Presentations

Teams present their initial ideas, focusing on effective team building and the fundamentals of developing innovative products and services from concept to market readiness.

🟨18.10 - Development Progress

Showcase your progress in product and service development. This session emphasizes team building and initial project advancements, including presentations, mentor feedback, and collaborative discussions to refine ideas and plan the next steps.

🟨01.11 - Prototype Presentations & Market Fit

Focus on personal development, utilizing prototyping technologies, and refining market fit strategies. Present your prototypes, receive feedback, and ensure your products are market-ready.

🟨15.11 - Team Development and Market Launch

Prepare for market launch with strategies for customer engagement and product introduction. Learn about market entry and how to successfully launch your products.

🟨29.11 - Grand Finale

Celebrate your achievements at our culminating event. Showcase your final projects, receive constructive feedback, discuss future steps, and participate in the awarding ceremony to recognize outstanding efforts and innovations.

Join us for these exciting events and take your innovation journey to the next level. For more details and to register, visit our Open Innovation Academy website. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to learn, innovate, and grow!


 OI academy 2024
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