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Õppematerjalid on kõigile tasuta kättesaadavad kuni 2024. aasta lõpuni. Lisaks saavad osalejad ligipääsu EIT Manufacturing Academy e-õppeplatvormi tasuta õppeprogrammidele, mille väärtus on hinnanguliselt 8000 eurot. Alates 2025. aastast saab materjale osta EIT Manufacturing veebilehelt."
LP | Full name | Nugget ID | ||
LP 1 Introduction to Entrepreneurship and Innovation for business transformation | 1 | Entrepreneurial Mindset | 5030 | Link here |
2 | Entrepreneurial Ecosystem | 5027 | Link | |
3 | The entrepreneurship activity | 5234 | Link | |
4 | Corporate entrepreneurship | 5235 | Link | |
5 | Entrepreneurship in action: Effectuation | 5236 | Link | |
6 | Innovation Basics | 5177 | Link | |
7 | Innovation Strategies | 5179 | Link | |
8 | Sustainable and Clean Innovation | 5180 | Link | |
9 | Introduction to digitalization and sustainability as mega trends of business transformation | 5020 | Link | |
10 | Sustainability challenges | 5024 | Link | |
11 | Digital Transformation Challenges | 5025 | Link | |
12 | Case Study digital and sustainable transformation challenges | 5026 | Link | |
13 | Open Innovation foundations | 5077 | Link | |
14 | Corporate Innovation Management | 5078 | Link | |
15 | Open innovation tools & practices | 5494 | Link | |
16 | Innovation culture | 4465 | Link | |
17 | Innovative networks: What is networking and why do it? | 5575 | Link | |
18 | Innovative networking Stakeholder management and co-creation | 5342 | Link | |
19 | Innovation networks: Different types of networks | 5341 | Link | |
20 | Assessment LP1: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Basics | 5441 | Link | |
LP 2 Introduction in problem-solving-based design thinking | 1 | Problem Solving Basics | 5182 | Link |
2 | Problem Statement | 5183 | Link | |
3 | Introduction to Design Thinking and Its Key Success Factors | 5012 | Link | |
4 | Design Thinking - Teaming and Understand | 5014 | Link | |
5 | Design Thinking - Observe and define point of view | 5015 | Link | |
6 | Design Thinking - Ideate and Prototype | 5016 | Link | |
7 | Design Thinking - Test and Implement | 5017 | Link | |
8 | Application of Design Thinking | 5573 | Link | |
9 | Ideation process and methods 1: Introduction to Ideation | 5343 | Link | |
10 | Ideation process and methods 2 - Ideation techniques | 5344 | Link | |
11 | Ideation process and methods 3: Ideation methods to select ideas | 5345 | Link | |
12 | Ideation process and methods 4 - Applying ideation in projects - resources | 5346 | Link | |
13 | Meaningful visualization 1 | 5347 | Link | |
14 | Meaningful visualisation: Visual templates | 5349 | Link | |
15 | Formulating the idea: Twopager | 5352 | Link | |
16 | Formulating the idea: Onepager | 5353 | Link | |
17 | Formulating the idea: Use case | 5354 | Link | |
18 | ABC of Design | 5663 | Link | |
19 | Timeline graphically. | 5664 | Link | |
20 | Problem-solving-based design thinking Assessment | 5656 | Link | |
LP3 Team building a.k.a Self-managed teams (TEC) | 1 | Definition of a team | 5226 | Link |
2 | Motivated teams | 5227 | Link | |
3 | Team dynamics | 5082 | Link | |
4 | Team evolution stages | 5083 | Link | |
5 | Team development and leadership | 5084 | Link | |
6 | Team effectiveness and dysfunctions | 5085 | Link | |
7 | Belbin team roles methodology | 5492 | Link | |
8 | Belbin team roles. Tools and inventories | 5493 | Link | |
9 | Team roles approaches | 5086 | Link | |
10 | Be a team player: practice your role | 5087 | Link | |
11 | Different types of teams | 5355 | Link | |
12 | Self-managing teams | 5356 | Link | |
13 | Self-efficacy in teams | 5357 | Link | |
14 | Team learning & development I: Retrospective meetings | 5228 | Link | |
15 | Team learning & development II: Skills of an agile team member and Team Competency Matrix | 5229 | Link | |
16 | Team learning & development III: Team’s contract, Feedback and other practices | 5230 | Link | |
17 | Agile organisations. Context | 5231 | Link | |
18 | Leadership in agile organisations | 5232 | Link | |
19 | Characteristics of agile teams | 5233 | Link | |
20 | Team Building Assessment | 5487 | Link | |
LP4 Product and service development I - Product Innovation (product/market fit) (TEC) | 1 | Business Model Canvans: Key Partners, Key Activities and Key Resources | 5006 | Link |
2 | Business Model Canvas: Value Proposition, Customer Relationship Channels, Customer Segments | 5008 | Link | |
3 | Business Model Canvas: Cost Structure and Revenue Streams | 5009 | Link | |
4 | Business Model Canvas Application | 5574 | Link | |
5 | Value proposition canvas Introduction | 5178 | Link | |
6 | Case Study Value proposition canvas | 5572 | Link | |
7 | Lean start-up movement | 5088 | Link | |
8 | Apply Lean principles to incubate opportunities and start new businesses: Lean Canvas | 4832 | Link | |
9 | Agile methods. Shared management concepts | 4959 | Link | |
10 | Agile methods. Shared management tools | 5213 | Link | |
11 | Agile methods. Visual and transparent management | 5214 | Link | |
12 | Agile methods. Customer focus | 5222 | Link | |
13 | Prototypes: what for? | 5223 | Link | |
14 | Prototyping process: Types of prototypes and phases of prototyping | 5224 | Link | |
15 | Prototyping: Practical tools | 5225 | Link | |
16 | User-Centered Design Principles in Industry 4.0 | 5659 | Link | |
17 | Creativity applied to business innovation: Archetypes | 5660 | Link | |
18 | Creativity applied to business innovation: Archetypes (Part II) | 5661 | Link | |
19 | Leadership in product development processes | 5662 | Link | |
20 | Product and service development I: Product Innovation Assessment | 5488 | Link | |
LP5 Personal development I - Assembling own learning pathways. Leading yourself. | 1 | Introduction to methodologies to create and achieve goals | 4248 | Link |
2 | Soft Skills to help you to be more proactive in the creation of goals | 4256 | Link | |
3 | Initiative to personal development: Introduction | 4800 | Link | |
4 | Initiative to personal development: Concept | 4829 | Link | |
5 | Initiative to personal development: Key aspects | 4888 | Link | |
6 | Initiative to personal development: Disabling beliefs | 4913 | Link | |
7 | Cognitive Flexibility to personal development: Introduction | 4925 | Link | |
8 | Cognitive Flexibility to personal development: Intrapersonal skills | 4926 | Link | |
9 | Cognitive Flexibility to personal development: Lets practice | 4928 | Link | |
10 | Change Adaptability to personal development: Introduction | 4930 | Link | |
11 | Change Adaptability to personal development: resistance to change | 4931 | Link | |
12 | Change Adaptability to personal development: Let's practice | 4932 | Link | |
13 | Models to generate your goals: introduction | 4260 | Link | |
14 | SMART model to generate your goals: Basis | 4263 | Link | |
15 | SMART model to generate your goals: Lets practice | 4265 | Link | |
16 | TOTE model to generate your goals: Basis | 4933 | Link | |
17 | TOTE model to generate your goals: Lets practice. | 4934 | Link | |
18 | Different approach to generate your goals: Let´s see the differences between future and vision in the way to become intreperneur | 4935 | Link | |
19 | Different approach to generate your goals to become intreperneur: Mandala, Merlyn Method | 4936 | Link | |
20 | Methodologies to create and achieve goals: Assessment nugget | 4937 | Link | |
LP6 Product and service development II - Manufacturing Technologies for prototyping | 1 | Introduction to the types of products | 4978 | Link |
2 | Types of prototype and their application | 4980 | Link | |
3 | Development tools I: From the idea to the product | 5018 | Link | |
4 | Development tools II: Support tools | 5019 | Link | |
5 | Design tools I:Basics of CAx | 5021 | Link | |
6 | Design tools II: | 5022 | Link | |
7 | Design tools III: | 5023 | Link | |
8 | Numerical methods I: Basics | 5031 | Link | |
9 | Numerical methods II: Application of FEM | 5032 | Link | |
10 | Numerical methods III: Optimization | 5569 | Link | |
11 | Processes and material overview | 5033 | Link | |
12 | Subtractive processes | 5034 | Link | |
13 | Primary shaping | 5035 | Link | |
14 | Generative manufacturing I: Process overview | 5036 | Link | |
15 | Generative manufacturing II: Processes and their applications | 5037 | Link | |
16 | Generative manufacturing III: Processes and their applications | 5038 | Link | |
17 | Generative manufacturing IV: Generate your 3D printed part | 5039 | Link | |
18 | Production costs of prototypes | 5570 | Link | |
19 | Prodcution costs of larger quantities | 5571 | Link | |
20 | Manufacturing Technologies for prototyping Assessment | 5657 | Link | |
LP7 Team development - Assembling a founding team & leading others. (IMH) | 1 | Marshalling resources for a successful learning process in team building. Introduccion | 5407 | Link |
2 | Marshalling resources. the processes of assessing | 5408 | Link | |
3 | Marshalling resources. the processes of applying | 5409 | Link | |
4 | Marshalling resources. the processes of asembling | 5410 | Link | |
5 | Marshalling resources. the processes of evaluating | 5411 | Link | |
6 | The triangle of the team succes. Introduction | 5437 | Link | |
7 | The triangle of the team succes. Feel | 5438 | Link | |
8 | The triangle of the team succes. Think | 5438 | Link | |
9 | The triangle of the team succes. Act | 5440 | Link | |
10 | The Importance of Leadership in Team Building | 5517 | Link | |
11 | Team Assembly and Leadership: What is Neurolinguistic Programming? | 5317 | Link | |
12 | Team Assembly and Leadership: How Neurolinguistic Programming Supports Development | 5318 | Link | |
13 | Team Assembling and Leadership: Communication in Entrepreneurship | 5518 | Link | |
14 | Team Assembly and Leadership: Understanding Representational Systems | 5319 | Link | |
15 | Ontological Coaching for Team Assembling and Leadership: An Introduction | 5320 | Link | |
16 | Team Assembly and Leadership - Ontological coaching: Responsibility and Learning | 5321 | Link | |
17 | Team Assembling and Leadership: GROW MODEL | 5322 | Link | |
18 | Transforming Teams: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence | 5521 | Link | |
19 | Mastering Intrapersonal Intelligence: Leading Yourself to Lead Others | 5522 | Link | |
20 | Team development - Assembling a founding team & leading others assessment | 5658 | Link | |
LP 8 Product and service development III - Market launch. Customer development. | 1 | Lean start up: Different purposes of BM canvas | 5095 | Link |
2 | Business model innovation | 5096 | Link | |
3 | Business model innovation. Examples and Task | 5097 | Link | |
4 | Performing pitches. Pitch your innovation | 5089 | Link | |
5 | Effective communication | 5090 | Link | |
6 | Lean start up: Customer development process | 5091 | Link | |
7 | Lean start up: Customer interviews | 5092 | Link | |
8 | Customer management. Thinking on customers | 5093 | Link | |
9 | Customer management. Customer loyalty ladder | 5094 | Link | |
10 | Planning Marketing Strategies. | 5370 | Link | |
11 | What is Digital Marketing ? | 5371 | Link | |
12 | How to Raise Money - Fundraising types. | 5372 | Link | |
13 | How to prepare for investors? | 5373 | Link | |
14 | What is investor-readiness? | 5374 | Link | |
15 | How to find the correct angel investors or/and venture capital | 5375 | Link | |
16 | Apply for angel investors and/or venture capital. Objectives and descriptions. | 5376 | Link | |
17 | What are Hackatons? Concepts and how do they work? | 5377 | Link | |
18 | Business Accelerators. Concepts and how do they work? | 5378 | Link | |
19 | Business Incubators. Concepts and how do they work? | 5379 | Link | |
20 | Product and service development III: Market launch - Customer development Assessment | 5490 | Link | |
LP 9 Personal Development II - Team reflection analysis and adaptation of professional development | 1 | Different types of reflection | 5578 | Link |
2 | Experiential guided reflection | 5358 | Link | |
3 | Experiential self-directed reflection: Part One | 5359 | Link | |
4 | Experiential self-directed reflection: Part Two | 5579 | Link | |
5 | Cognitive and affective reflection: Part One | 5360 | Link | |
6 | Cognitive and affective reflection: Part Two | 5580 | Link | |
7 | Three-level reflection analysis: an introduction | 5361 | Link | |
8 | Three-level reflection analysis: descriptive level | 5362 | Link | |
9 | Three-level reflection analysis: critical analysis | 5363 | Link | |
10 | Three-level reflection analysis: Reflexive synthesis | 5623 | Link | |
11 | Building a Better You through Self-Assessment of Skills and Strengths | 5028 | Link | |
12 | Self-Assessmet Challenge question and case study | 5029 | Link | |
13 | The main types of Continuous Professional Development | 5365 | Link | |
14 | What motivates Continuous Professional Development | 5366 | Link | |
15 | Continuous Professional Development in collaborative (learning) communities | 5367 | Link | |
16 | Basic principles of conceptualising self-directed learning | 5586 | Link | |
17 | Self-directed learning I: introduction to van den Akker's model | 5587 | Link | |
18 | Self-directed learning II: detailed planning based on van den Akker's model | 5588 | Link | |
19 | Practical Bloom’s taxonomy | 5625 | Link | |
20 | Personal Development Assessment nugget | 5624 | Link | |
LP 10 Short cycle for professional development | 1 | Understanding Blockchain Fundamentals | 5626 | Link |
2 | Applications of blockchain in various industries | 5627 | Link | |
3 | Smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps) | 5628 | Link | |
4 | Introduction to methods and tools to encourage creativity (in teams) | 5629 | Link | |
5 | Introduction to methods and tools to encourage creativity | 5630 | Link | |
6 | Strategic Skills: Introduction | 5631 | Link | |
7 | Self management: Introduction | 5632 | Link | |
8 | Self management: Cognitive skills | 5633 | Link | |
9 | Self management: Affective skills | 5634 | Link | |
10 | Self management: Behavioral skills | 5635 | Link | |
11 | Ethics in Technology | 5636 | Link | |
12 | Data protection and privacy principles | 5637 | Link | |
13 | Applications of AI in industry | 5638 | Link | |
14 | Overview of Industry 4.0 | 5639 | Link | |
15 | Smart manufacturing and connected systems | 5640 | Link | |
16 | Cyber-physical systems in industry | 5641 | Link | |
17 | Digitalization of supply chain processes | 5642 | Link | |
18 | Data analysis techniques in Industry 4.0 | 5643 | Link | |
19 | Data visualization tools in Industry 4.0 | 5644 | Link | |
20 | Professional development assessment | 5645 | Link | |
LP11 “Digital Pedagogy, Competences and Literacy” | 1 | Power of Digital Pedagogy: Meaningful Technology Integration | 4534 | Link |
2 | Empowering Digital Competences Through Digital Pedagogy | 4564 | Link | |
3 | Enhancing Teaching through Meaningful Technology Integration | 4889 | Link | |
4 | Dimensions of Digital Pedagogy in Teaching and Learning | 5057 | Link | |
5 | Digitally Enhanced Pedagogical Practices | 5058 | Link | |
6 | Needed Digital Pedagogical Competences | 5059 | Link | |
7 | Decoding Digital literacy | 5060 | Link | |
8 | Navigating User-genetated Content | 5061 | Link | |
9 | Digital Safety in Education | 5062 | Link | |
10 | Framework for designing digital pedagogical lessons | 5063 | Link | |
11 | Assessment in digital pedagogical lessons | 5064 | Link | |
12 | Reflecting on digital pedagogical lessons | 5065 | Link | |
13 | Promoting the ongoing development of learners' digital skills | 5066 | Link | |
14 | Growth of learners' digital skills through reflection | 5067 | Link | |
15 | Digital Skills Continuity: Cybersecurity Practices in the Digital Era | 5068 | Link | |
16 | What is Digital/Hybrid Collaboration? The importance of collaboration in the current World | 5337 | Link | |
17 | The structure of Digital/Hybrid Collaboration and Learning | 5338 | Link | |
18 | The dilemmas of Digital/Hybrid Collaboration | 5339 | Link | |
19 | Success criteria of Digital/Hybrid Collaboration and Learning | 5340 | Link | |
20 | Digital pedagogy, competences and literacy: assessment nugget | 5577 | Link | |