Korean Seminar-Conference „Geopolitical changes, economic innovation and international relations: Korea and Estonia”

The pictures of the seminar are here.

The Korea related conference takes place for the second time in Tartu, supported by the Academy of Korean Studies and Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation (European Union Regional Development Fund). The topic is „Geopolitical changes, economic innovation and international relations: Korea and Estonia”. The goal of the conference is to expand Korean and Estonian relationships in the field and create an environment for meaningful discussion.

In order to participate in the conference, please register here.

PhD poster session is within the second Korean Seminar-Conference on 18th of January in Tartu at 16:30. This poster session is aimed for PhD students to have the opportunity to present their research ideas or results related to topics to conference participants. For making a presentation during the PhD poster session, please register by 5th of January 2018 here. Doctoral School in Economics and Innovation will help with printing out the posters before the conference. Guidelines for compiling posters.


Thursday, 18th of January 2018

1. conference day, Venue: Lossi 36-204 (Faculty of Social Sciences)

09.30-10.00 Registration

10.00-10.15 Opening by Prof. Dr.Urmas Varblane, conference director, Vice head of research of the School of Economics and Business Administration, Council member of the Centre of Asian Studies, University of Tartu

Welcoming remark by the Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, Prof Raul Eamets, University of Tartu

10.15-11.30 1st Session: General development of South Korea, connections to Europe and Estonia

  • Session chair Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seliger. Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea Office, Seoul, South Korea (15 min)
  • Prof. Dr. Urmas Varblane. School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Estonia (20 min)
  • Dr. Hansoo Choi. "Good-bye the Republic of Chaebols” Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh, USA (25 min)
  • Discussion (15 min)

11.30-12.00 joint conference photo; coffee break

12.00-13.15 2nd Session: South Korea and trade

  • Session chair Prof. Dr. Ralph Wrobel. Westsaxon University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau, Germany
  • Dr. San Wook Cho. "Do Free Trade Agreements Increase the New Goods Margin? Evidence from Korea" School of Economics, University of New South Wales, Australia (30 min)
  • Junior research fellow Mathias Juust. “EU-Korea Freetrade agreement” School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Estonia (30 min)
  • Discussion (15 min)

13.15-14.00 Conference luncheon

14.00-16.00 3rd Session: South Korean monetary policy and public sector strategy

  • Session chair TBD
  • Dr. Kyung-Hun Kim."Korean Monetary Policy Independence and Long-term Interest Rate Synchronization in the Global Financial Market" Korea Institute for International Economic Policies, Seoul, South Korea (30 min)
  • Dr. Erkki Karo. "Public sector strategic agility for innovation and development: comparison of South Korean and Estonia” Director of the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia (30 min)
  • PhD student You-Jun Shin. “Public e-health service, case study Estonia and Korea” School of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Estonia (30 min)
  • Discussion (20 min)

16.00 – 16.30 Coffee break

16.30-18.00 PhD students poster session and discussion


Friday, 19th of January 2018

2. conference day, Venue: Lossi 36-204 (Faculty of Social Sciences)

08.50 – 09.00 Opening by Prof. Dr. Urmas Varblane, wrap-up of Day 1.

09.00 – 10.40 4th Session: Relations with North Korea

  • Session chair Prof Jüri Sepp
  • Prof. Dr. Ari Kokko. “Special Economic Zones in North Korea” Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark  (50 min)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Seliger. "Geopolitical and geoeconomic outlook for Northeast Asia" Hanns Seidel Foundation Korea Office, Seoul, South Korea (25 min)
  • Discussion (15 min)

10.40-10.55 Coffee break

10.55-12.45 5th Session: Geopolitical situation and prospects

  • Session chair Erkki Karo
  • Prof. Dr. Erik Terk (Institute of Political Science and Governance, Tallinn University); project manager of Foresight Centre of Estonian Parliament Mari Rell “Value chains, specialisation patterns of the country,  impacts of internal and external factors, electronics” Estonia (25 min)
  • Prof. Dr. Ralph Wrobel. (Social Market Economy and models of economic development in newly industrialising countries). Westsaxon University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau, Germany (25 min)
  • Dr. Aidan Foster-Carter (South Korean Development Lessons: Myths, Realities and Prospects) Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Sociology and Modern Korea, Leeds University, UK (25 min)
  • Discussion (15 min)

12.45-13.30 Roundtable Discussion session (6th session) “Perspectives of Korean- Estonian relations and agenda for further research” all participants

13.30-14.15 Lunch

Contact: Reelika Alunurm, reelika.alunurm@ut.ee