Andres Vaher

Teadusseminar "Unpacking the digital barriers in emerging market SMEs: Towards a resource-adaptive model" (Susan Freeman)


SUSAN FREEMAN (University of South Australia)

Kaasautorid: Michael Yao and Dr Dan Wang (Monash University, Australia) 

Reedel, 18. oktoobril 2024 kell 9.30-10.30 Zoom  (Meeting ID: 966 0171 9837; Passcode: 521737)

Existing literature acknowledges that digital transformation is invaluable yet particularly challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Yet, knowledge is limited on the specific barriers faced by SMEs in their digital transformation across different stages, especially in emerging market settings. Compared to large enterprises, SMEs typically operate with financial and human resource constraints, which may entail unique challenges and tailored solutions in their digitalization. We extend the resource-based view (RBV) within digital transformation literature, which typically treats digitalization as a uniform process with static resource and capability needs. We argue that success in digital transformation hinges not only on possessing valuable resources but also on the strategic timing and deployment of stage-specific capabilities that effectively leverage digital resources. This underscores the necessity for a more flexible and adaptive application of RBV to the study of digital transformation. Drawing on data from a multi-case research design, we develop a resource-adaptive model consisting of three distinct stages of digital transformation –exploration, scaling, and maturity. Our findings also reveal different barriers associated with digital mindset, capabilities, leadership, and institutional support, each aligned with discrete stages of digital transformation. This study makes important contributions to SME digital transformation literature, with implications for SME owners, entrepreneurs, and policymakers from emerging markets

Keywords: SMEs, Digital transformation; Digital barriers; Resource-adaptive model; Emerging markets

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