Date of defence | Candidate’s name | Topic of the thesis | Supervisor(s) |
21.10.2024 | Liisi Lembinen | Comprehending Decision-Making in Academic Library Leadership: A Situational Analysis | Associate Professor Krista Jaakson Associate Professor Anne Reino |
28.06.2024 | Kristjan Pulk | Influencing personal financial decisions with information provision | Professor Maaja Vadi Lecturer Anne Aidla |
10.06.2024 | Nguyen Hoang Quan Tran | Perception of organisational culture in terms of task and relationship orientations in Vietnam | Professor Maaja Vadi Associate Professor Krista Jaakson |
07.05.2024 | Tanel Hirv | Internationalisation of the Estonian research system through the lens of bibliometric indicators: criticism and policy recommendations | Professor Kadri Ukrainski |
15.03.2024 | Anastasia Sinitsyna | Links between segregation processes on the labour and housing markets: evidence from Finland | Professor Raul Eamets Professor Tiit Tammaru |
21.02.2024 | Diana Gabrielyan | Essays on Inflation, Expectations and Central Bank Communication | Associate Professor Jaan Masso Associate Professor Lenno Uusküla |
29.01.2024 | Vladyslav Soloviov | The role of culture for innovative processes | Professor Anneli Kaasa |
13.12.2023 | Laura Helena Kivi | Regional labour markets and assimilation of foreign labour force | Professor emeritus Tiiu Paas |
27.11.2023 | Iuliia Trabskaia | Idea and opportunity identification and implementation within the entrepreneurial process and journey | Professor emeritus Tõnis Mets |
14.11.2023 | Mark Kantšukov | Valuation of companies under the distributed profit taxation system | Associate Professor Priit Sander Professor Toomas Haldma |
25.09.2023 | Alo Lilles | The relationship between university-industry cooperation and regional capabilities in Europe | Professor Urmas Varblane |
21.06.2023 | Nino Kokashvili | Public sector evolution under conditions of political business cycle – theory and empirical evidence | Professor (emeritus) Peter Joachim Friedrich Professor Kadri Ukrainski |
15.05.2023 | Sigrid Rajalo | University-industry collaboration: interaction structure and preconditions | Professor Maaja Vadi |
23.09.2022 | Liis Roosaar | Essays on labour mobility and labour productivity | Professor Raul Eamets Associate Professor Jaan Masso Professor Urmas Varblane |
31.08.2022 | Liina Joller-Vahter | The government as an enabler and accelerator of diffusion of radical innovations | Professor Urmas Varblane |
09.05.2022 | Magnus Piirits | The Impact of Pension Reforms on Pension Inequality in Estonia: An Analysis with Microsimulation and Typical Agent Models | Professor Raul Eamets Professor Lauri Leppik |
08.02.2022 | Artur Meerits | First-level military leaders’ leadership competencies and their relationship with unit effectiveness in terms of collectivistic leadership with the example of the Estonian Defence Forces | Associate Professor Kurmet Kivipõld |
03.11.2021 | Nataliia Ostapenko | Information, business cycles and monetary policy | Associate Professor Jaan Masso |
30.08.2021 | Aare Värk | Practice-based exploration of knowledge, knowing and knowledge management | Associate Professor Anne Reino Associate Professor Judit Strömpl |
23.08.2021 | Mariia Chebotareva | Functional overlapping competing jurisdictions (FOCJs) as a possible tool for Inter-municipal cooperation in the provision of Russian school services | Associate Professor Diana Eerma Professor dr. dr. h.c. (em.) Peter Joachim Friedrich |
18.05.2021 | Virgo Süsi | Corporate governance and performance of private SMEs | teadur Krista Jaakson, kaasprofessor Oliver Lukason |
29.12.2020 | Tõnis Eerme | Big Science as innovation intermediaries – micro- and meso-level effects from the collaboration with the European Space Agency | emeriitprofessor Jüri Sepp Professor Niina Nummela (University of Turku, Finland, University of Tartu, Estonia) |
29.12.2020 | Isaac Nana Akuffo | The relationship between authentic leadership competences and nepotism, favouritism, and cronyism – the case of the Ghanaian banking sector | dotsent Kurmet Kivipõld |
02.09.2020 | Gaygysyz Ashyrov | Essays on firm-level corruption | vanemteadur Jaan Masso |
26.03.2020 | Tõnis Tänav | Dynamics of firm innovation strategies: relationship with public sector support | professor Kadri Ukrainski |
22.11.2019 | Gerdien Margreeth Grootens | Leadership of Peripheral Places: a Comparative study of Leadership in Estonian and Dutch Peripheral Places | professor Maaja Vadi abiprofessor Lummina Horlings (Groningeni Ülikool, Holland) dotsent Garri Raagmaa |
04.11.2019 | Tatyana Tsukanova | Insights into the Export Behavior of SMEs from Emerging Economies: Evidence from Russia and China | Vanemteadur Tiia Vissak |
10.05.2019 | Annika Jaansoo | Provision of services across international borders: Factors driving cooperation of subnational governments in Europe | Professor Janno Reiljan, TÜ Professor Rene Torenvlied, University of Twente |
20.12.2018 | Bradley James Loewen | Towards territorial cohesion? Path dependence and path innovation of regional policy in Central and Eastern Europe | Dotsent Garri Raagmaa Professor Kadri Ukrainski |
20.12.2018 | Kärt Rõigas | University-Industry Cooperation in the Context of National Innovation System | Prof Urmas Varblane Vanemteadur Priit Vahter |
12.11.2018 | Maryna Tverdostup | Human capital and labour market disparities | Prof. TiiuPaas, Vanemteadur Jaan Masso |
21.06.2018 | Karin Sakowski | The role of national-institutional context in organisations and in organisational innovation: the case of Western and Central and Eastern European countries | Prof. Maaja Vadi, Vanemteadur Jaanika Meriküll |
15.02.2018 | Tarmo Puolokainen | Public Agencies' Performance Benchmarking in the Case of Demand Uncertainty with an Application to Estonian, Finnish and Swedish Fire and Rescue Services | Prof. Janno Reiljan, Prof. Peter Joachim Friedrich, Prof. Christopher O’Donnell |
28.12.2017 | Bianka Plüschke-Altof | Images of the Periphery Impeding Rural Development? Discursive Peripheralization of Rural Areas in Post-Socialist Estonia | Vanemteadur Aet Annist, Dots. Andres Kuusik |
29.12.2016 | Marko Viiding | The Role of Electricity Price in Competitiveness of the Manufacturing Industry in Liberalised Electricity Markets: the Case of NordPool | Prof. Urmas Varblane, Prof. Torstein Arne Bye |
22.12.2016 | Inna Kozlinska | Evaluation of the Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education Revisited: Evidence from Estonia and Latvia | Prof. Tõnis Mets, Prof. Ulla Hytti |
07.12.2016 | Oliver Lukason | Characteristics of firm failure processes in an international context | Prof. Toomas Haldma, Vanemteadur Jaan Masso, Prof. Erkki K. Laitinen |
12.11.2015 | Sten Anspal | Essays on gender wage inequality in the Estonian labour market | Prof. Raul Eamets |
29.06.2015 | Merle Tambur | Workplace bullying in Estonian organizations: The prevalence and causes | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
30.12.2014 | Ott Pärna | Managerial and Contextual Factors Influencing Innovation in Information Technology-based Public Sector Services: an Exploratory Cross-national Study | Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann, Prof. Urmas Varblane |
18.12.2014 | Kaia Kask | Public sector real estate asset management models and their evaluation | Prof. Maaja Vadi, Prof. Ene Kolbre |
18.11.2014 | Diana Eerma | A Bookkeeping Approach to Social Accounting for a University Faculty: The Case of the University of Tartu | Prof. Peter Friedrich, Prof. Jüri Sepp |
03.10.2014 | Eneli Kindsiko | Organisational control in university management: A multiparadigm approach on the example of the University of Tartu | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
04.06.2014 | Helen Poltimäe | The distributional and behavioural effects of Estonian environmental taxes | Prof. Tiiu Paas, Prof. Henrik Klinge Jacobsen |
10.10.2013 | Xiaotian Zhang | Internationalization Process of Chinese Firms | Vanemteadur Jaan Masso, Vanemteadur Tiia Vissak, Prof. Jorma Larimo |
09.04.2013 | Kerly Espenberg | Inequalities on the Labour Market in Estonia During the Great Recession | Dots. Kaia Philips |
12.12.2012 | Andres Kuusk | Financial Contagion During Times of Crisis: a Meta-Analysis Based Approach With Special Emphasis on CEE Economies | Prof. Tiiu Paas |
26.10.2012 | Ülle Pärl | Understanding the Role of Communication in the Management Accounting and Control Process | Prof. Salme Näsi, Prof. Toomas Haldma |
18.10.2012 | Peeter Peda | The Relationship Between Governance and and Performance in Water Services Provision in Estonian Municipalities | Prof. Toomas Haldma, Dots. Giuseppe Grossi |
27.06.2012 | Anne Lauringson | The Impact of the Generosity of Unemployment Benefits on Estonian Labour Market Outcomes in a Period of Crisis | Prof. Raul Eamets Dots. Kaia Philips |
19.06.2012 | Reelika Irs | Teacher Performance Appraisal and remuneration Aspects of Performance Management on the Example of estonian General Educational Schools | Prof. Kulno Türk |
30.11.2011 | Kertu Lääts | Management Accounting Change in a Dynamic Economic Environment Based on Examples from Business and Public Sector Organizations | Prof. Toomas Haldma |
25.11.2011 | Indrek Saar | Optimal Alcohol Taxation in Estonia | Dots. Viktor Trasberg |
21.09.2011 | Tuuli Pärenson | Social Impact Evaluation in Social Enterprises in Estonia: Need, Readiness and Practices | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
31.08.2011 | Andres Kuusik | Segmentation of Repeat Visitors Using Passive Mobile Positioning Data | Prof. Urmas Varblane, Prof. Rein Ahas |
26.08.2011 | Andrus Kotri | Customer Experience Evoking and Management in Services | Prof Maaja Vadi, Ele Reiljan (Swedbank) |
21.06.2011 | Kristina Toming | The Impact of Integration With the European Union on the International Competitiveness of the Food Processing Industry in Estonia | Prof. Urmas Varblane, Prof. Janno Reiljan |
21.06.2011 | Janno Järve | Downward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the Estonian Private Sector | Prof. Raul Eamets |
04.05.2011 | Kurmet Kivipõld | Organizational Leadership Capability and its Evaluation Based on the Example of Estonian Service Organizations | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
17.02.2011 | Rasmus Kattai | The Links Between Private Sector Indebtedness and Banking Sector Vulnerability: an Estonian Case Study | Prof. Tiiu Paas |
16.12.2010 | Dorel Tamm | Alignment Between the Factors of the Innovation Process and Public Sector Innovation Support Measures: an Analysis of Estonian Dairy Processors and Biotechnology Enterprises | Prof. Urmas Varblane Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann |
17.11.2010 | Elina Kallas | Emotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture and their Relationship Based on the Example of Estonian Service Organizations | Prof. Maaja Vadi Prof. Kulno Türk |
22.10.2010 | Danel Tuusis | Interest Rate Influence on the Behavior of Economic Subjects | Prof. Mart Sõrg, Dots. Priit Sander |
21.06.2010 | Epp Kallaste | Employee Workplace Representation: an Analysis of Selected Determinants | Prof. Raul Eamets Prof. Charles Woolfson |
22.03.2010 | Egle Tafenau | Welfare Effects of Regional Policy in the Constructed Capital Model | Prof. Tiiu Paas |
18.12.2009 | Eve Parts | Social Capital, its Determinants and Relations With Economic Growth: Comparison of the Western European and Central-Eastern European Countries | Prof. Janno Reiljan, Prof. Helje Kaldaru |
12.11.2009 | Krista Jaakson | Management by Values: the Analysis of Influencing Aspects and its Theoretical and Practical Implications | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
06.11.2009 | Anne Reino | Manifestations of Organizational Culture Based on the Example of Estonian Organizations | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
21.09.2009 | Alexander Gofman | Experimentation-Based Product Development in Mature Food Categories:Advancing Conjoint Analysis Approach | Prof. Tõnis Mets, Prof. Tiiu Paas |
14.08.2009 | Sirle Bürkland | Managing the Development of Valuable Intellectual Capital: The Role of Management Control.(defended in Vaasa University) | Prof. Toomas Haldma, Prof. Erkki K. Laitinen |
18.06.2009 | Anne Aidla | The Impact of Individual and Organisational Factors on Academic Performance in Estonian General Educational Schools | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
19.05.2009 | Jaanika Meriküll | Technological Change and Labour Demand | Prof. Tiiu Paas, Prof. Karsten Staehr |
31.10.2008 | Helena Rozeik | Changes in Ownership Structures, Their Determinants and Role in the Restructuring of Enterprises During Transition: Evidence From Estonia | Prof. Urmas Varblane, Vanemteadur Jaan Masso |
30.06.2008 | Made Torokoff | Patterns of the Learning Organisation – Estonian Experience | Prof. Maaja Vadi, Prof. Tõnis Mets |
26.05.2008 | Kadri Männasoo | Essays on Financial Fragility – Evidence from the Corporate and Banking Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe | Prof. Jüri Sepp, Prof. Michael Funke |
14.05.2008 | Kristjan-Olari Leping | Heterogeneity of Human Capital and its Valuation in the Labour Market | Prof. Raul Eamets, Dots. Štepan Jurajda |
22.04.2008 | Kadri Ukrainski | Sources of Knowledge Used in Innovation: an Example of Estonian Wood Industries | Prof. Janno Reiljan, Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann |
19.12.2007 | Priit Sander | Essays on Factors Influencing Financing Decisions of Companies: Risk, Corporate Control and Taxation Aspects | Prof. Vambola Raudsepp |
16.11.2007 | Rebekka Vedina | The Diversity of Individual Values and its Role for Organisations in the Context of Changes | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
13.06.2007 | Andres Vesilind | A Methodology to Earn Excess Returns in Global Debt and Currency Markets With a Diversified Portfolio of Quantitative Active Investment Models | Prof. Urmas Varblane |
29.03.2006 | Katrin Männik | The Impact of the Autonomy on the Performance in a Multinational Corporation`s Subsidiary in Transition Countries | Prof. Urmas Varblane, Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann |
07.11.2005 | Jaan Masso | Labour Reallocation in Transition Countries: Efficiency, Restructuring and Institution | Prof. Raul Eamets, Dots. Otto Karma |
29.06.2005 | Janek Uiboupin | Foreign Banks in Central and Eastern European Markets: Their Entry and Influence on the Banking Sector) | Prof. Mart Sõrg |
25.01.2005 | Ele Reiljan | Reasons for De-internationalization: An Analysis of Estonian Manufacturing Companies | Prof. Urmas Varblane |
22.12.2004 | Ruth Alas | Organisational Changes During the Transition in Estonia: Major Influencing Behavioural Factors | Prof. Maaja Vadi |
15.09.2004 | Anneli Kaasa | Sissetulekute ebavõrdsuse mõjurite analüüs struktuurse modelleerimise meetodil | Prof. Helje Kaldaru |
18.06.2003 | Tiia Vissak | The Internationalization of Foreign-owned Enterprises in Estonia: An Extended Network Perspective | Prof. Janno Reiljan |
18.11.2002 | Tõnu Roolaht | The Internationalization of Estonian Companies: An Exploratory Study of Relationship Aspects | Prof. Urmas Varblane |
10.01.2002 | Kaia Philips | The Changes in Valuation of Human Capital During the Transition Processes in Estonia | Prof. Tiiu Paas |
07.12.2001 | Uno Silberg | Agrarian Policy (monograph), Original title: Agraarpoliitika (defended in Estonian Agricultural University) | Prof. Jüri Sepp |
27.06.2001 | Raul Eamets | Reallocation of Labour During Transition | Prof. Tiiu Paas |
08.06.2000 | Maaja Vadi | The Concepts and Interrelationships of Organisational Culture and Values | Prof. Janno Reiljan, Prof. Jüri Allik |