TÜ majandusteaduskonna kaitstud doktoritööd / Defended Dissertations

Date of defence

Candidate’s name

Topic of the thesis


21.10.2024Liisi LembinenComprehending Decision-Making in Academic Library Leadership: A Situational AnalysisAssociate Professor Krista Jaakson
Associate Professor Anne Reino
28.06.2024Kristjan PulkInfluencing personal financial decisions with information provisionProfessor Maaja Vadi
Lecturer Anne Aidla
10.06.2024Nguyen Hoang Quan TranPerception of organisational culture in terms of task and relationship orientations in Vietnam

Professor Maaja Vadi

Associate Professor Krista Jaakson

07.05.2024Tanel HirvInternationalisation of the Estonian research system through the lens of bibliometric indicators: criticism and policy recommendationsProfessor Kadri Ukrainski
15.03.2024Anastasia SinitsynaLinks between segregation processes on the labour and housing markets: evidence from Finland

Professor Raul Eamets

Professor Tiit Tammaru

21.02.2024Diana GabrielyanEssays on Inflation, Expectations and Central Bank Communication

Associate Professor Jaan Masso

Associate Professor Lenno Uusküla

29.01.2024Vladyslav SoloviovThe role of culture for innovative processesProfessor Anneli Kaasa
13.12.2023Laura Helena KiviRegional labour markets and assimilation of foreign labour forceProfessor emeritus Tiiu Paas
27.11.2023Iuliia TrabskaiaIdea and opportunity identification and implementation within the entrepreneurial process and journeyProfessor emeritus Tõnis Mets
14.11.2023Mark KantšukovValuation of companies under the distributed profit taxation system

Associate Professor Priit Sander

Professor Toomas Haldma

25.09.2023Alo LillesThe relationship between university-industry cooperation and regional capabilities in EuropeProfessor Urmas Varblane
21.06.2023Nino KokashviliPublic sector evolution under conditions of political business cycle – theory and empirical evidence

Professor (emeritus) Peter Joachim Friedrich

Professor Kadri Ukrainski

15.05.2023Sigrid RajaloUniversity-industry collaboration: interaction structure and preconditionsProfessor Maaja Vadi
23.09.2022Liis RoosaarEssays on labour mobility and labour productivity

Professor Raul Eamets

Associate Professor Jaan Masso

Professor Urmas Varblane

31.08.2022Liina Joller-VahterThe government as
an enabler and accelerator of diffusion
of radical innovations
Professor Urmas Varblane
09.05.2022Magnus PiiritsThe Impact of Pension Reforms on
Pension Inequality in Estonia:
An Analysis with Microsimulation and
Typical Agent Models

Professor Raul Eamets

Professor Lauri Leppik

08.02.2022Artur MeeritsFirst-level military leaders’ leadership competencies and their relationship with unit effectiveness in terms of collectivistic leadership with the example of the Estonian Defence ForcesAssociate Professor Kurmet Kivipõld
03.11.2021Nataliia OstapenkoInformation, business cycles and monetary policyAssociate Professor Jaan Masso
30.08.2021Aare VärkPractice-based exploration of knowledge, knowing and knowledge management

Associate Professor Anne Reino

Associate Professor Judit Strömpl

23.08.2021Mariia ChebotarevaFunctional overlapping competing jurisdictions (FOCJs) as a possible tool for Inter-municipal cooperation in the provision of Russian school services

Associate Professor Diana Eerma

Professor dr. dr. h.c. (em.) Peter Joachim Friedrich

18.05.2021Virgo SüsiCorporate governance and performance of private SMEsteadur Krista Jaakson, kaasprofessor Oliver Lukason
29.12.2020Tõnis EermeBig Science as innovation intermediaries – micro- and meso-level effects from the collaboration with the European Space Agency

emeriitprofessor Jüri Sepp

Professor Niina Nummela (University of Turku, Finland, University of Tartu, Estonia)

29.12.2020Isaac Nana AkuffoThe relationship between authentic leadership competences and nepotism, favouritism, and cronyism – the case of the Ghanaian banking sectordotsent Kurmet Kivipõld
02.09.2020Gaygysyz AshyrovEssays on firm-level corruptionvanemteadur Jaan Masso
26.03.2020Tõnis TänavDynamics of firm innovation strategies: relationship with public sector supportprofessor Kadri Ukrainski
22.11.2019Gerdien Margreeth GrootensLeadership of Peripheral Places: a Comparative study of Leadership in Estonian and Dutch Peripheral Places

professor Maaja Vadi

abiprofessor Lummina Horlings (Groningeni Ülikool, Holland)

dotsent Garri Raagmaa

04.11.2019Tatyana TsukanovaInsights into the Export Behavior of SMEs from Emerging Economies: Evidence from Russia and ChinaVanemteadur Tiia Vissak
10.05.2019Annika JaansooProvision of services across international borders: Factors driving cooperation of subnational governments in EuropeProfessor Janno Reiljan, TÜ
Professor Rene Torenvlied, University of Twente
20.12.2018Bradley James LoewenTowards territorial cohesion? Path dependence and path innovation of regional policy in Central and Eastern Europe

Dotsent Garri Raagmaa

Professor Kadri Ukrainski

20.12.2018Kärt RõigasUniversity-Industry Cooperation in the Context of National Innovation System

Prof Urmas Varblane

Vanemteadur Priit Vahter

12.11.2018Maryna TverdostupHuman capital and labour market disparities

Prof. TiiuPaas,

Vanemteadur Jaan Masso

21.06.2018Karin SakowskiThe role of national-institutional context in organisations and in organisational innovation: the case of Western and Central and Eastern European countries

Prof. Maaja Vadi,

Vanemteadur Jaanika Meriküll

15.02.2018Tarmo PuolokainenPublic Agencies' Performance Benchmarking in the Case of Demand Uncertainty with an Application to Estonian, Finnish and Swedish Fire and Rescue Services

Prof. Janno Reiljan,

Prof. Peter Joachim Friedrich,

Prof. Christopher O’Donnell

28.12.2017Bianka Plüschke-AltofImages of the Periphery Impeding Rural Development? Discursive Peripheralization of Rural Areas in Post-Socialist Estonia

Vanemteadur Aet Annist,

Dots. Andres Kuusik

29.12.2016Marko ViidingThe Role of Electricity Price in Competitiveness of the Manufacturing Industry in Liberalised Electricity Markets: the Case of NordPool

Prof. Urmas Varblane,

Prof. Torstein Arne Bye

22.12.2016Inna KozlinskaEvaluation of the Outcomes of Entrepreneurship Education Revisited: Evidence from Estonia and Latvia

Prof. Tõnis Mets,

Prof. Ulla Hytti

07.12.2016Oliver LukasonCharacteristics of firm failure processes in an international context

Prof. Toomas Haldma,

Vanemteadur Jaan Masso,

Prof. Erkki K. Laitinen

12.11.2015 Sten AnspalEssays on gender wage inequality in the Estonian labour marketProf. Raul Eamets
29.06.2015Merle TamburWorkplace bullying in Estonian organizations: The prevalence and causesProf. Maaja Vadi
30.12.2014Ott PärnaManagerial and Contextual Factors Influencing Innovation in Information Technology-based Public Sector Services: an Exploratory Cross-national Study

Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann,

Prof. Urmas Varblane

18.12.2014Kaia KaskPublic sector real estate asset management models and their evaluation

Prof. Maaja Vadi,

Prof. Ene Kolbre

18.11.2014Diana EermaA Bookkeeping Approach to Social Accounting for a University Faculty: The Case of the University of Tartu

Prof. Peter Friedrich,

Prof. Jüri Sepp

03.10.2014Eneli KindsikoOrganisational control in university management: A multiparadigm approach on the example of the University of TartuProf. Maaja Vadi
04.06.2014Helen PoltimäeThe distributional and behavioural effects of Estonian environmental taxes

Prof. Tiiu Paas,

Prof. Henrik Klinge Jacobsen

10.10.2013Xiaotian ZhangInternationalization Process of Chinese Firms

Vanemteadur Jaan Masso,

Vanemteadur Tiia Vissak,

Prof. Jorma Larimo

09.04.2013Kerly EspenbergInequalities on the Labour Market in Estonia During the Great RecessionDots. Kaia Philips
12.12.2012Andres KuuskFinancial Contagion During Times of Crisis: a Meta-Analysis Based Approach With Special Emphasis on CEE EconomiesProf. Tiiu Paas
26.10.2012Ülle PärlUnderstanding the Role of Communication in the Management Accounting and Control Process

Prof. Salme Näsi,

Prof. Toomas Haldma

18.10.2012Peeter PedaThe Relationship Between Governance and and Performance in Water Services Provision in Estonian Municipalities

Prof. Toomas Haldma,

Dots. Giuseppe Grossi

27.06.2012Anne LauringsonThe Impact of the Generosity of Unemployment Benefits on Estonian Labour Market Outcomes in a Period of Crisis

Prof. Raul Eamets

Dots. Kaia Philips

19.06.2012Reelika IrsTeacher Performance Appraisal and remuneration Aspects of Performance Management on the Example of estonian General Educational SchoolsProf. Kulno Türk
30.11.2011Kertu LäätsManagement Accounting Change in a Dynamic Economic Environment Based on Examples from Business and Public Sector Organizations Prof. Toomas Haldma
25.11.2011Indrek SaarOptimal Alcohol Taxation in EstoniaDots. Viktor Trasberg
21.09.2011Tuuli PärensonSocial Impact Evaluation in Social Enterprises in Estonia: Need, Readiness and PracticesProf. Maaja Vadi
31.08.2011Andres KuusikSegmentation of Repeat Visitors Using Passive Mobile Positioning Data

Prof. Urmas Varblane,

Prof. Rein Ahas

26.08.2011Andrus KotriCustomer Experience Evoking and Management in Services

Prof Maaja Vadi,

Ele Reiljan (Swedbank)

21.06.2011Kristina TomingThe Impact of Integration With the European Union on the International Competitiveness of the Food Processing Industry in Estonia

Prof. Urmas Varblane,

Prof. Janno Reiljan

21.06.2011Janno JärveDownward Nominal Wage Rigidity in the Estonian Private SectorProf. Raul Eamets
04.05.2011Kurmet KivipõldOrganizational Leadership Capability and its Evaluation Based on the Example of Estonian Service Organizations Prof. Maaja Vadi
17.02.2011Rasmus KattaiThe Links Between Private Sector Indebtedness and Banking Sector Vulnerability: an Estonian Case Study Prof. Tiiu Paas
16.12.2010Dorel TammAlignment Between the Factors of the Innovation Process and Public Sector Innovation Support Measures: an Analysis of Estonian Dairy Processors and Biotechnology Enterprises

Prof. Urmas Varblane

Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann

17.11.2010Elina KallasEmotional Intelligence, Organizational Culture and their Relationship Based on the Example of Estonian Service Organizations

Prof. Maaja Vadi

Prof. Kulno Türk

22.10.2010Danel TuusisInterest Rate Influence on the Behavior of Economic Subjects

Prof. Mart Sõrg,

Dots. Priit Sander

21.06.2010Epp KallasteEmployee Workplace Representation: an Analysis of Selected Determinants

Prof. Raul Eamets

Prof. Charles Woolfson

22.03.2010Egle TafenauWelfare Effects of Regional Policy in the Constructed Capital Model Prof. Tiiu Paas
18.12.2009Eve PartsSocial Capital, its Determinants and Relations With Economic Growth: Comparison of the Western European and Central-Eastern European Countries

Prof. Janno Reiljan,

Prof. Helje Kaldaru

12.11.2009Krista JaaksonManagement by Values: the Analysis of Influencing Aspects and its Theoretical and Practical ImplicationsProf. Maaja Vadi
06.11.2009Anne ReinoManifestations of Organizational Culture Based on the Example of Estonian OrganizationsProf. Maaja Vadi
21.09.2009Alexander GofmanExperimentation-Based Product Development in Mature Food Categories:Advancing Conjoint Analysis Approach

Prof. Tõnis Mets,

Prof. Tiiu Paas

14.08.2009Sirle BürklandManaging the Development of Valuable Intellectual Capital: The Role of Management Control.(defended in Vaasa University)

Prof. Toomas Haldma,

Prof. Erkki K. Laitinen

18.06.2009Anne AidlaThe Impact of Individual and Organisational Factors on Academic Performance in Estonian General Educational SchoolsProf. Maaja Vadi
19.05.2009Jaanika MeriküllTechnological Change and Labour Demand

Prof. Tiiu Paas,

Prof. Karsten Staehr

31.10.2008Helena RozeikChanges in Ownership Structures, Their Determinants and Role in the Restructuring of Enterprises During Transition: Evidence From Estonia

Prof. Urmas Varblane,

Vanemteadur Jaan Masso

30.06.2008Made TorokoffPatterns of the Learning Organisation – Estonian Experience

Prof. Maaja Vadi,

Prof. Tõnis Mets

26.05.2008Kadri MännasooEssays on Financial Fragility – Evidence from the Corporate and Banking Sectors in Central and Eastern Europe

Prof. Jüri Sepp,

Prof. Michael Funke

14.05.2008Kristjan-Olari LepingHeterogeneity of Human Capital and its Valuation in the Labour Market

Prof. Raul Eamets,

Dots. Štepan Jurajda

22.04.2008Kadri Ukrainski

Sources of Knowledge Used in Innovation: an Example of Estonian Wood Industries

Prof. Janno Reiljan,

Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann

19.12.2007Priit SanderEssays on Factors Influencing Financing Decisions of Companies: Risk, Corporate Control and Taxation AspectsProf. Vambola Raudsepp
16.11.2007Rebekka VedinaThe Diversity of Individual Values and its Role for Organisations in the Context of ChangesProf. Maaja Vadi
13.06.2007Andres VesilindA Methodology to Earn Excess Returns in Global Debt and Currency Markets With a Diversified Portfolio of Quantitative Active Investment Models

Prof. Urmas Varblane

29.03.2006Katrin MännikThe Impact of the Autonomy on the Performance in a Multinational Corporation`s Subsidiary in Transition Countries

Prof. Urmas Varblane,

Prof. Nick von Tunzelmann

07.11.2005Jaan MassoLabour Reallocation in Transition Countries: Efficiency, Restructuring and Institution

Prof. Raul Eamets,

Dots. Otto Karma

29.06.2005Janek UiboupinForeign Banks in Central and Eastern European Markets: Their Entry and Influence on the Banking Sector)Prof. Mart Sõrg
25.01.2005Ele ReiljanReasons for De-internationalization: An Analysis of Estonian Manufacturing CompaniesProf. Urmas Varblane
22.12.2004Ruth AlasOrganisational Changes During the Transition in Estonia: Major Influencing Behavioural FactorsProf. Maaja Vadi
15.09.2004Anneli KaasaSissetulekute ebavõrdsuse mõjurite analüüs struktuurse modelleerimise meetodilProf. Helje Kaldaru
18.06.2003Tiia VissakThe Internationalization of Foreign-owned Enterprises in Estonia: An Extended Network PerspectiveProf. Janno Reiljan
18.11.2002Tõnu RoolahtThe Internationalization of Estonian Companies: An Exploratory Study of Relationship AspectsProf. Urmas Varblane
10.01.2002Kaia PhilipsThe Changes in Valuation of Human Capital During the Transition Processes in EstoniaProf. Tiiu Paas
07.12.2001Uno SilbergAgrarian Policy (monograph), Original title: Agraarpoliitika (defended in Estonian Agricultural University)Prof. Jüri Sepp
27.06.2001Raul EametsReallocation of Labour During TransitionProf. Tiiu Paas
08.06.2000Maaja VadiThe Concepts and Interrelationships of Organisational Culture and Values

Prof. Janno Reiljan,

Prof. Jüri Allik

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