Teadusseminar "Theorizing Cultural Regions of North America: Implications for Europe and the World"

MARK F. PETERSON (Aarhus University, University of Tartu)


Theorizing Cultural Regions of North America: Implications for Europe and the World


Research about the implications that cultural differences have for managers in different parts of Canada and the United States, like management studies of regional culture throughout the world, have been based on varied, highly focused theories and have reached varied conclusions. Here, we identify and compare four theories about immigrant group characteristics and about five contemporary socioeconomic characteristics that figure strongly in research comparing Canada, the United States, and their regions. We summarize the predictions that each immigration theory and each socioeconomic characteristic makes for the two implications of culture that are most prominent in regional studies of North America – self-reliance and deference to authority. We conclude with thoughts about the potential contributions of culture research about North American regions along with theories of culture emergence and change that need to be revised or added to them to advance research about cultural regions of Europe.


12. oktoober 2022 kell 16.00-17.00

Toimumiskoht: Zoom

Meeting ID: 999 4490 3348

Passcode: 970123

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