Research Seminars

Research Seminars 2024





(University of Cambridge)

Genetics and Lifetime Earnings: Understanding the Mechanisms

This paper examines the mechanisms linking genetic factors to lifetime earnings using data from a British cohort followed from birth to retirement. We develop and estimate a life-cycle model that integrates childhood skill formation with sequential schooling and occupational choices in adulthood. The model accounts for two types of genetic channels: mechanical (via skill formation and earnings equations) and behavioral (via parental investments, schooling, and occupational choices). We find both channels equally important: a one standard deviation increase in the polygenic score for educational attainment leads to a 15% increase in lifetime earnings, with 7% attributed to mechanical channels and 8% to behavioral channels. Our paper highlights the value of unifying early-life skill formation and sequential choices into a single framework for understanding genetic influences on lifetime earnings determination.



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(Prague University of Economics and Business)

Benevolent Machiavellianism: A Study of the Nature of Prosocietal Political Skills in Organizations

Corporations cause significant social harm. However, these organizations also employ people who stand against their harmful doings, but to no avail. Our study aims to uncover why these individuals cannot change their organizations' detrimental impacts. We test whether prosocietal employees lack the political will and political skills, unlike self-centered or Machiavellian employees, and thus cannot obtain the power to change the organization for the better. We created a novel behavioral task in which a group of participants could withdraw funds from charities. Participants could also gain power and reduce or exacerbate the negative impact of their group. We found that participants with high political will, power motive, and preferring their and their group's gains invested more in power. Conversely, we found no evidence of an association between obtaining power and contributing to charities, high affiliation motive, or political skill. Thus, Malevolent Machiavellians prevailed, and the groups they controlled continued to harm. In the follow-up study, we found evidence that Benevolent Machiavellianism can be nudged by emphasizing the need to acquire power and by emphasizing the impending prosocietal costs. Our research shows a clear need to encourage prosocietal employees of harmful organizations to be proactive, think strategically about their actions, and provide them opportunities to reflect on and discuss these issues.

Co-authors: Štěpán Bahník, Marek Vranka




(University of South Australia)

Unpacking the digital barriers in emerging market SMEs: Towards a resource-adaptive model

Existing literature acknowledges that digital transformation is invaluable yet particularly challenging for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Yet, knowledge is limited on the specific barriers faced by SMEs in their digital transformation across different stages, especially in emerging market settings. Compared to large enterprises, SMEs typically operate with financial and human resource constraints, which may entail unique challenges and tailored solutions in their digitalization. We extend the resource-based view (RBV) within digital transformation literature, which typically treats digitalization as a uniform process with static resource and capability needs. We argue that success in digital transformation hinges not only on possessing valuable resources but also on the strategic timing and deployment of stage-specific capabilities that effectively leverage digital resources. This underscores the necessity for a more flexible and adaptive application of RBV to the study of digital transformation. Drawing on data from a multi-case research design, we develop a resource-adaptive model consisting of three distinct stages of digital transformation –exploration, scaling, and maturity. Our findings also reveal different barriers associated with digital mindset, capabilities, leadership, and institutional support, each aligned with discrete stages of digital transformation. This study makes important contributions to SME digital transformation literature, with implications for SME owners, entrepreneurs, and policymakers from emerging markets

Keywords: SMEs, Digital transformation; Digital barriers; Resource-adaptive model; Emerging markets

Co-Authors: Michael Yao and Dr Dan Wang (Monash University, Australia) 





(National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan)


Entrepreneurship, Mobile Payment, and Financial Inclusion for Low and Middle Income Asian Economies

Despite the burgeoning interest in financial technology , its cor relation to entrepreneurship remains unknown. This research addresses the gap in the literature by examining the determinants of new business entrepreneurship, specific ally focusing on
mobile payment , traditional financial inclusion, and regulatory factors across selected low and middle income economies. Employing a baseline panel regression model, we conduct empirical analysis from data collected from multiple sources covering 25 developing economies in Asia spanning 2014 to 2021. The findings reveal a direct and positive effect of mobile payment systems and regulatory quality on entrepreneurship versus a negative effect of traditional financial inclusion. T he study further uncovers the impact channels through which regulatory factors interact with mobile payment systems and significantly contributes to the literature by examining how financial innovations, especially mobile payment systems, stimulate entrepreneurship on a global scale. It expands research by investigating the impact of traditional financial inclusion
on new business entrepreneurship sheds light on nuanced pathways through which regulatory factors shape entrepreneurship and highlights the potential interaction effect of regulatory quality with mobile payment systems. The insights generated herein are invaluable for regulators and policymakers to make informed decisions that promote entrepreneurial growth. This is especially pertinent in the post COVID 19 era, where fostering small/new business entrepreneurship drive s sustainable economic development, while also potentially catalyzing the development of financial technology solutions to enhance financial inclusivity and entrepreneurial opportunities.



PEETER PEDA (University of Tartu)

To build or not to build? Mobilization of uncertainty arguments in public decision-making on private megaprojects

Uncertainty, a state of unknowing linked to threats and opportunities, is a key characteristic of megaprojects, making it challenging for government officials and politicians to decide on their initiation. For them, implementation by the private sector adds an extra layer of complexity and uncertainty to megaproject planning. In this context, only a few studies have focussed on governing and the mobilization of uncertainty arguments in communication between government actors and private developers either in favour of or against megaprojects. The purpose of this article is to shed light on how private megaproject proposals progress towards political acceptance or rejection in public decision-making. The authors’ findings suggest that while public decision-making on megaprojects is a conflictual and dynamic process, some types of uncertainty are relatively more important in affecting the perceived feasibility of the projects in the eyes of public sector decision-makers. This study contributes to the debate on uncertainty management in megaprojects, proposing a new type of uncertainty – uncertainty about privateness – which has not been explicitly visible thus far. 



11.06.2024. LISA EVA-MARIA SCHECKENHOFER  (Ifo-institute). One More Document: The Effects of Non-Tariff Barriers on Trade. 

15.05.2024. THOMAS POST (Maastricht University). Savings goals matter - Cognitive constraints, retirement planning, and downstream economic behaviors.

06.05.2024. ATTILA HAVAS (Hungarian Academy of Science). Measurement of innovation: selection of indicators and (mis)use of scoreboards.

24.04.2024. BRENT MCKENZIE (University of Guelph). How Canadian Whisky’s 9.09% Rule Has Transformed Its Brand Image: From Weakness to a Strength.

18.04.2024. ARNALDO COELHO (University of Coimbra). The challenges of the research on Greenwashing field: the impacts on the different stakeholders.

17.04.2024. EWA STAWASZ-GRABOWSKA (University of Lodz). Gold Renaissance among Central Banks: Can Gold Reserves Reduce Countries’ Sovereign Credit Risk?

27.03.2024. AMARESH TIWARI (University of Tartu). Estimating Production Function and Productivity Impact of Export Persistence using Revenue Data. Co-authors: Nicolas Gavoille, Jaan Masso.

06.03.2024. FEDERICA ROSSI (Politecnico di Milano). The surge of remote working and coworking spaces. Exploring the case of Italy through mixed methods. Co-authors: Marco Biagetti, Ilaria Mariotti, Sergio Scicchitano.

21.02.2024. IRAKLI BARBAKADZE (University of Cambridge). Political Risk Insurance: The Role of Lobbying Meetings. 

08.02.2024. MICHAEL FUNKE (Hamburg University). Economic Knock-On Effects of Russia’s Geopolitical Risk on Advanced Economies: A Global VAR Approach. Co-authors: Boris Blagov and Maximilian Dirks.


06.12.2023. ALEXANDER PLEKHANOV (EBRD. Exorbitant privilege and  economic sanctions. Co-authors: Maxim Chupilkin, Beata Javorcik,  Aleksandra Peeva 

22.11.2023. TIIT TAMMARU (University of Tartu). A comparative study of residential attainment trajectories of migrants under different housing regimes: Evidence from three Nordic capital cities

15.11.2023. KRISTA FISCHER (University of Tartu). Disentangling causal relationships in epidemiology: some recent trends. 

01.11.2023. ANNELA ANGER-KRAAVI (University of Cambridge, University of Tartu). Impacts of climate change mitigation measures on the Estonian economy

25.10.2023. MATHIAS JUUST (University of Tartu), URMAS VARBLANE (University of Tartu). Firm resources and response to a negative export shock: 2014 Russian embargo on the Western food exporters

18.10.2023. FRANÇOIS VAILLANCOURT (Université de Montréal). Economics and language: framework , returns to skills  and policy relevant tools. 

20.09.2023. MIHAILS HAZANS (University of Latvia). Human values and supervisory responsibilities: A comparative evidence from the Baltic Sea region-  Authors: Mihails Hazans, Jaan Masso, Per Botolf Maurseth, Tiiu Paas

06.09.2023. LIIS ROOSAAR (University of Tartu). Gender wage gap in the University of Tartu. Authors: Jaan Masso, Jaanika Meriküll, Liis Roosaar, Kärt Rõigas, Tiiu Paas


21.06.2023. KARL MORASCH (University of Bundeswehr Munich). Global Trade Networks, Strategic Firm Behavior, and the Environment

17.05.2023. KALEV KUKK (Tallinna Ülikool). Otto Strandman majanduspoliitikuna

26.04.2023. JORGE F. S. GOMES (Lisbon School of Economics and Management). HRM in a strong context: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

19.04.2023. TIIA VISSAK (University of Tartu). Exporters' success and failure in the VUCA world

05.04.2023. GAYGYSYZ ASHYROV (Estonian Business School). Mega events and institutional development

01.03.2023. LAUR KANGER (University of Sussex, University of Tartu), ANNA-KATI PAHKER (University of Tartu). Where is the Second Deep Transition most likely to emerge?

22.02.2023. JAANIKA MERIKÜLL (Eesti Pank, University of Tartu). The transmission of Covid-19 related trade shocks across countries: Comparative firm-level evidence

13.12.2022. MAAJA VADI, KRISTA JAAKSON (Tartu Ülikool). Mida avastasime Eesti juhtimisest ja juhtimise uurimisest? (Eesti juhtimisvaldkonna uuringu näitel)

30.11.2022. SALME NÄSI (University of Tampere, University of Tartu). Development of the CSR and Sustainability Thinking in the Business Studies - Finnish/Nordic Approach

02.11.2022. ANU REALO (University of Warwick; University of Tartu).  Why We Trust and Why It Matters?

12.10.2022. MARK F. PETERSON (Aarhus University, University of Tartu). Theorizing Cultural Regions of North America: Implications for Europe and the World

28.09.2022. AMARESH K. TIWARI (University of Tartu). Automation in an Open, Catching-Up Economy: Aggregate and Microeconometric Evidence

21.09.2022. MICHAEL MINKOV (Varna University of Management, University of Tartu). Do nations, in-country regions, religions, and ethnolinguistic groups have distinct cultures? Evidence from Europe, Asia, Africa, the US, and Russia

14.09.2022. KARSTEN STAEHR (Tallinn University of Technology, Eesti Pank). Economic growth (regimes) and capital flows in the Baltic States

15.06.2022. HAKAN ERATALAY (University of Tartu). On the impact of ESG ratings on asymmetric effects and leverage effects in volatility

01.06.2022. FRANCESCO MANARESI (OECD). Closing the Italian digital gap: The role of skills, intangibles and policies

25.05.2022. IRMA RYBNIKOVA (Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences). Does organizational democracy have societal consequences? Dealing with the so called "spillover hypothesis"

18.05.2022. OLIVER LUKASON (University of Tartu). How do scientific R&D ventures fail: European evidence based on financial failure processes

04.05.2022. LUCA ALFIERI (University of Tartu). The Effects of the ECB Communications on Financial Markets before and during COVID-19 Pandemic

27.04.2022. NEKTARIOS ASLANIDIS (Universitat Rovira i Virgili). Near-money in history: cryptocurrencies versus bills of exchange

13.04.2022. NIINA NUMMELA (University of Turku). Boosted by failure? Entrepreneurial internationalisation as a cyclical learning process

06.04.2022. GAYGYSYZ ASHYROV (University of Tartu). Cultural aspects of tax behaviour in transition economies

09.03.2022. DAMIAN BEBNOWSKI (University of Lodz). The first 'Treuhandanstalt' (UrTHA) in East Germany in 1990. Review of research

16.02.2022.JAAN VALSINER (University of Tartu, Tallinn University, Aalborg University). Methodology and methods in social sciences: Economics as a qualitative science

02.02.2022. MARK F. PETERSON (Aarhus University; University of Tartu). Experiences in Promoting Multilevel Methods

17.02.2021. ANNABEL HANA  CHRISTIE (Bedfordshire Business School). Why and How Middle Managers Use Autonomy in Strategy?

03.03.2021. LUCA ALFIERI (University of Tartu). The communication reaction function of the European Central Bank. An analysis using topic model indices

10.03.2021. NIINA NUMMELA (University of Turku). In-between worlds – liminal experiences of Finnish-born cosmopolitans

17.03.2021. BETTINA BECKER (Aston University). The effectiveness of regional, national and EU support for innovation in the UK and Spain

24.03.2021. MATTHIAS ROTTNER (European University Institute). Hitting the Elusive Inflation Target

31.03.2021. JAAN MASSO, PRIIT VAHTER (University of Tartu). Innovation as a firm-level factor of the gender wage gap

19.05.2021. MICHAEL MINKOV (University of Tartu; Varna University of Management). A Test of the Revised Minkov-Hofstede Model of Culture: Mirror Images of Subjective and Objective Culture across Nations and the 50 US States.

26.05.2021. MARI-LIIS TIKERPERI (University of Tartu). Estonian schools in the context of social acceleration and mediatization

27.10.2021 MAAJA VADI, PRIIT VAHTER (University of Tartu). Complementarities between technological and organizational innovation: dynamics and firm level outcomes.

03.11.2021. SONJA SACKMANN (University of St Gallen; University of Tartu). Analyzing “bad” / unethical organizational cultures.

24.11.2021. JAANIKA MERIKÜLL (Eesti Pank; University of Tartu). The gender wealth gap in Europe: Application of machine learning to predict individual-level wealth.

08.12.2021. JAAN MASSO, PRIIT VAHTER (University of Tartu). Joining and exiting the value chain of multinationals and performance of suppliers: evidence from inter-firm transaction data.

15.12.2021. MUSTAFA HAKAN ERATALAY (University of Tartu). The impact of ESG ratings on the systemic risk contribution and exposure of European blue-chip companies.

02.12.2020. JAANIKA MERIKÜLL (University of Tartu; Eesti Pank). The gap that survived the transition: 30 years of the gender wage gap in Estonia.

18.11.2020.LENNO UUSKÜLA (University of Tartu; Eesti Pank). Productivity and Firm Turnover.

4.11.2020. MARIA pTASHKINA (Pompeu Fabra University). Measuring Heterogeneity Across Preferential Trade Agreements.

14.10.2020. ASTA PUNDZIENE (Kaunas University of Technology, University of California). Value Traps for Benefiting from Platform-based new business line in MedTech Incumbent Companies. Dynamic Capabilities Perspective.

7.10.2020. JAMES H. LOVE (University of Leeds; University of Tartu). The Dynamics of Geographic Collaboration for Innovation.

16.09.2020. TIIA VISSAK (University of Tartu). A Reviewer’s Perspective: Which Mistakes Do Authors Often Make in Qualitative International Business Research?

02.09.2020. GOURANGA G. DAS (Hanyang University), co-author Ranajoy Bhattacharya. Contract Farming in Agriculture and Host Country Effects: Development Policy Insights from alternative models on Land Deal.

29.04.2020. KARSTEN STAEHR (Tallinn University of Technology; Eesti Pank). Export Performance and Capacity Pressures in Central and Eastern Europe.

22.04.2020. GAYGYSYZ ASHYROV, KRISTA JAAKSON (University of Tartu). Is supervisory responsibility a “demanding resource” depending on job context? Evidence from PIAAC Survey.

8.04.2020. NELE TABA (University of Tartu). Detecting causal effects of diet on health using the method of Mendelian randomization.

10.03.2020. ILONA BUCIUNIENE (ISM Unviversity of Management and Economics). The influence of industrial robots adoption on human capital and human resources architecture change.

04.03.2020. KAOURU NATSUDA (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University).Transfer of Japanese-style management to the Czech Republic: the case of Japanese manufacturing firm.

26.02.2020. AMARESH TIWARI (University of Tartu). Impact Evaluation of Cohesion Fund, 2014-2020: The Case of Estonia.

12.02.2020. JAAN MASSO, JAANIKA MERIKÜLL, PRIIT VAHTER (University of Tartu). The role of firms in the gender wage gap.

18.12.2019. BORISS SILIVERSTOVS (Bank of Latvia). Employment Effect of Innovation.

02.12.2019. PATRIK TINGVALL  (Södertörn University),  JONAS KASTENG (Swedish National Board of Trade). Who Uses the EU’s Free Trade Agreements?

13.11.2019. VLADISLAV SOLOVIOV (University of Tartu). Does regional culture affect innovation in the EU?

05.11.2019. 1. ROMEO TURCAN (Aalborg University). Legitimation, newness and theory building. 2. ILAN ALON (University of Agder). Globalization of Chinese Enterprises. A Review of the Literature and Future Research Agenda.

23.10.2019. TIIA VISSAK (University of Tartu). Foreign market entries, exits and re-entries: The role of knowledge, network relationships and decision-making logic

11.09.2019. OLEGS TKACEVS (Bank of Latvia). Getting Old Is No Picnic? Sector-Specific Relationship Between Workers Age and Firm Productivity.

04.09.2019. GAZI SALAH UDDIN  (Linköping University). Demystifying the impact of GDP, energy, oil price, and trade openness on CO2 emissions in India: an NARDL approach

22.08.2019. LEONIDAS COSTA LEONIDOU (University of Cyprus). Antecedents, moderators, and outcomes of effective import strategy design and implementation.

29.05.2019. MICHAEL MINKOV (Varna University of Management, University of Tartu). Do nations have homogeneous cultures?

22.05.2019. LUCA ANDRIANI (Birkbeck College University of London). Corruption Aversion, Social Capital and Institutional Trust in a Dysfunctional Institutional Framework: Evidence from a Palestinian Survey.

15.05.2019. TOMASZ MICKIEWICZ. (Aston University). Entrepreneurship as Trust.

08.05.2019. LUCA ALFIERI (University of Tartu). Forecasting industrial production with boosting in a Big “Fat” Dataset.

02.05.2019. RAUL OMEL (University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences). Efficiency and productivity change of Estonian dairy farms.

23.04.2019. VALENTIN MOLINA-MORENO (University of Granada). Towards the circular economy. New lines of research.

10.04.2019. GAYGYSYZ ASHYROV (University of Tartu). Role of Managerial Personality Traits in Firm-Level Corruption: Evidence from Vietnam.

03.04.2019. TÕNIS METS (University of Tartu). Are We Ready for Smart Economy?

27.03.2019. SONJA SACKMANN ((University Bw Munich). Cultural change in organisations: insights from a case study.

20.03.2019. CHRISTER LJUNGWALL (Peking University HSBC Business School). China’s international (economic) efforts and the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). 

13.03.2019. KADRI MÄNNASOO (TalTech). Corporate Investments, Credit and Financial Strength: European Evidence. 

27.02.2019. CARLOS M. P. SOUSA (Molde University College, Norway). How innovation, international experience, and cultural distance influences the firm’s exit behavior: Evidence from emerging market firms.

13.02.2019. ANNELI KAASA (University of Tartu). Determinants of Institutional Trust: The Role of the Cultural Context.

06.02.2019. IIRIS AALTIO (University of Jyväskylä). Age Management with HRM Perspectives.



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