Andero Kalju

Techhack 2024

!!!This event has been postponed!!!

Are you passionate about deep tech and innovation? Mark your calendars for Techhack, the premier event for tech enthusiasts and students!

Join us at the Delta Centre on the 27th and 28th of May 2024, from 12-18.00.

At Techhack, you'll dive into a world of possibilities with hands-on sessions in business model development. Learn to shape your ideas into viable business strategies with the guidance of industry experts.

Pitching your ideas is crucial, and at Techhack, you'll get the chance to refine your pitching skills. Present your projects to a panel of seasoned techpreneurs and receive valuable feedback.

Teamwork is at the heart of innovation. Collaborate with like-minded individuals, form dynamic teams, and work together to solve real-world challenges.Don't miss the short presentations from successful techpreneurs. Gain insights, inspiration, and practical advice from those who've turned their tech visions into reality.

Techhack is not just an event; it's a community. Network with fellow innovators, share your passion, and forge connections that can last a lifetime.

Be part of the future of tech at Techhack. Register now and join us at the Delta Centre on the 27th and 28th of May 2024. Let's innovate together!

Register here






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